Part 4: When I need you the most

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"THEY DID WHAT" Bonnie said angrily

As soon as Ash and Serena arrived from the incident, they told Clemont and Bonnie everything that was going on between Ash, his mother and traveling companions.

Both blonde siblings were mixed with emotions of shocked and angier at the mother and friends and sad for their raven hair friend.

"Calm down Bonnie, you don't have to yell to the whole world" Ash said quietly as they all toke a seat.

Ash and Serena sat on the end of the bed with pikachu curled up at the top of the bed listening to their conversation while Bonnie and Clemont sat on the floor.

"Sorry I got so mad I kinda forgot we're not the only ones in hear" Bonnie said with a nervous chuckle

Everyone giggled slightly at her actions and went back to their conversation "Anyway, what are you going to do next Ash" Clemont asked and everyone turned to Ash.

Ash signed "I don't really know, I guess after the kalos league we'll figure-" before he could finish Bonnie jumped in "I know, since Ash doesn't want to go back to pallet town, he could stay here until I get my trainers lisesne and we could all travel together"

Everyone looked at her surprised "I can't belive I'm saying this but, Bonnie your a genius"Clemont said only to get a glare from Bonnie

"And what's that suppose to mean, just for that I'm working extra hard to find you a wife" she pouted

"BONNIE YOU NEED TO STOP DOING THAT" Clemont yelled with embarrassment in his voice as his face turned bright red and he waved his arms around.

Everyone but Ash chuckled at this while Ash was in deep thought but no one notice.

"Why Arceus, why must I feel so much pain & sorrow  from the ones I love deeply, especially my own mother".

He was brought out of his thoughts when Serena spoke "Well I think it's a great idea Bonnie, what do you think Ash" Ash nodded but didn't speak, he knew that if he did he would burst into tears and he didn't want his real friends to worry so he kept silent until he felt he could talk with having a meltdown.

This didn't go unnoticed by Serena and she became concerned but decided to handle it later.

Later that night, everyone had dinner and went to bed. As they were asleep, Ash got up quietly and got a case from under his bed and left the pokemon center.

Little did he know, Serena was right behind him. She followed him in a peaceful meadow where the wind blew gently across the grass and the star shin as bright as the glistening moon above them. She saw Ash sitting down and taking a guitar out of the case which surprised her, she never knew Ash could sing or play the guitar but she quietly snuck behind him so she could hear better.

Than Ash started to play
(Play the song above)
'I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd
Need you there when I cry

And the days feel like years
When I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much
I need you right now

When your gone
The pieces of my heart
Are missing you
When your gone
The face I came to know
Is missing too
When your gone
All the words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you

I never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you

And the clothes you left
They lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do see how much
I need you right now

When your gone
The pieces of my heart is missing you
When your gone
The face I came to know
Is missing too
When your gone
All the words I need to hear
To always get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were

And all I ever wanted
Was for you to know
Everthing I do
I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breath
I need to feel you here with me

When your gone
The pieces of my heart
Are missing you
When your gone
The face I came to know
Is missing too
When your gone
All the words I need to hear
Will always get me through the day
And make it ok

I miss you"
When Ash ended the song, he looked up in the beautiful night sky as the wind blew his raven hair back and forth.

Meanwhile, Serena had a hand over her mouth as she began to tear up from the wonderful song Ash just sang.

Unable to hold her emotions anymore, she ran to Ash and tackled him to the ground and barried her face in his chest and let it all out. Luckily Ash moved his guitar out of the way so it wouldn't get smashed by the tackle.

Ash was surprised by this and blushed then hugged her back to calm her down. After a few moments, Serena finally got control her emotions and stopped herself from crying and got off of Ash and sat on her knees.

Ash copied her actions before putting his guitar away and facing Serena. There was a moment of silence until Ash spoke, "So I guess you heard me huh?" He asked and scratch the back of his head sheepishly

Serena grinned "Yes and that song was wonderful" she said dreamily

Ash was a bit shocked from her compliment and blushed a very light pink "You really think so" he asked nervously

"Of course but I have to ask, who was it about" she asked looking deep into his eyes

Ash than gave her a depressed expression "My mom" he said in a sad voice

Serena felt very guilty for her raven hair crush and gave him a tight hug "I know you still are hurt but you can't keep letting this drag you down Ash, you have to find a way to get through this and let it go but, you don't have to do it alone. I'm always here for you" she stated and looked at Ash as she hugged him tighter.

Ash thought for a second before looking at Serena and gave her a loving smile that melted any girls heart "I'm glad you said that Serena cause I feel much better but, I'm also glad you won't ever give up on me" he said and hugged her back

Serena blushed but it was to dark to see it. They sat there for about five minutes before letting go of one another. They locked eyes with each other before they both started moving in slowly and closing their eyes.

After about 30 seconds, they closed the gap between their lips and kissed each other with love and passion.

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