Part 1:the dream

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It was night time and we have our hero's in the pokemon center sleeping, until Ash woke up by someone calling him.

He opened his eyes to see nurse joy "Is something wrong nurse joy" he asked

"Sorry to wake you Ash but there is a call for you" she whispered

He nodded and got up from his bed and followed nurse joy to the phone. When he got close their was a man and his mother.

Ash recognized the man, he was the leader of team rocket. Giovanni.

"Mom get away from him! He's a bad man!" Ash yelled demandily to keep his mother save

"Ash there's something I want to tell you. You see... Me and Giovanni here... are married" she said

Ash couldn't believe what she said, he was so broken inside, he was also full of angier and hurt that he was lied to the woman who gave him birth and loved very much "WHAT! NO! I KNOW YOU WOULDN'T LIE TO ME! I JUST KNOW IT!" he screamed so loud that he woke a few people but he didn't care.

He quickly ended the call and ran to his room with hot tears running down his face but he ran to fast to the room and cut his arm on the sharp edge of the desk but he could care less.

Ash opened the door to him and his friends room and slammed it behind him shut. The room was pitch black however, Ash saw two figures appeared who were non other then his mother and Giovanni.

"Come on son, join team rocket and you'll be one with your family again" Giovanni said deeply

"NO! I'M NOT YOUR SON AND I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU!" he screamed but they kept walking to him.

He tried to open the door but it wouldn't open and regretted slamming it shut, for now he was trapped with no one to help him no matter how much he cried and screamed for help.

He was now in the conored of the room as they got closer. He sat down and put his hands over his ears, screaming loudly, "stay away from me! stay away!"

"Ash! Ash wake up"

"Ash please wake up"

"C'mon Ash wake up"

"pika pi"

He keep hearing voices in his head telling him to wake up, even he was whispering to himself to wake up. Just as Delia and Giovanni were about to grab him, Ash saw a white light and passed out, now safe from turning to the bad side

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