Part 7: A new day, A new companion

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The next mourning, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena woke up in their tents. They each walked out and began to eat breakfast and they waited for Ash to wake up but he never did which surprised the group of friends/girlfriend.

They walked over to his his tent and just as Serena was about to barge in there when she was pushed back and landed on her bum while there was a thump coming from Ash's tent.

When Serena recovered, Ash's tent unzipped and what she and the blonde siblings saw next shocked them completely.

There, standing in front of them was Ash but he was wearing a completely different outfit. He had a black tank top and a blue jacket with white stripes, black pants, black and red sneakers, and his hat that match his sneakers but that wasn't the only thing that changed. His hair was a little shorter than usual and his eyes had a mix of chest nut brown and lightening blue. 

Everyone but pikachu was shocked at Ash's sudden appearance.

"Umm hello, you guys alright" Ash asked nervously

"We could be asking the same question" Clemont said still shocked

"What do you mean" asked Ash with curious eyes as he titled his head slightly

"Well first what's with the change of clothes" Clemont said

Ash looked down at the ground than back up with a confident smile"I needed to forget my past and my mistakes so I wanted to start over. New clothes, New friends and new family" Ash said calmly and everyone, but pikachu, was taken back from Ash's sudden wisdom.

Ash and pikachu walked to the table and began to eat breakfast but something was different, they were eating slowly and gently and not gobbling up their food.

They trio exchanged glances at each other and walked towards the raven hair boy and his yellow mouse and sat down staring at them.

Ash and pikachu notice everyone staring at them and looked up

"Is there something wrong" Ash said

"No nothing's wrong" Bonnie said and Ash and pikachu looked at each other and shrugged before continuing to eat.

Once they were finished, Ash and the gang started to clean their things before heading off to the next town for Ash's gym battle and Serena's showcase.

Just then Ash stopped dead his tracks as his eyes began to glow blue and looked towards to big oak tree and got an aura vision that he hadn't got in a long time.

Pikachu must've felt this because he sqeak that caused the gang to look back. Ash held his head in pain and groaned.

In Ash's aura vision he saw a riolou and an old man in a bed weak and motionless. "Please please don't leave me alone"

Ash heard the riolou say "I'm sorry riolou but I am to old and weak to be here with you but I want you to go to the boy who bought you back to me a few years ago and make him and his friends your family but always remember" the old man said his finally words and closed his eyes

"NO! NO NOT YET, PLEASE COME BACK PLEASE!!!"The riolou screamed and cried

Ash suddenly came back to his surroundings and found him on his knees,once again, and had tears in his eyes, ready to start a water fall on the ground in front of him.

He looked towards the tree and ran to it in a blink of an eye. He passed through the pushes and looked behind the tree to find the riolou that he help long ago looking at him with red sore eye's.

They stared at each other for a while before they both lunged each other in a tight hug but not to tight and the let it all out.

The sound of crying drew Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, and pikachu's attention and ran where Ash ran and found him against the big oak tree, sitting on the ground with a riolou in his arms.

Serena sat next to Ash and wiped the remaining tears on his face with her thumb. When she finished, she looked at the riolou in Ash's arms and gave him a warm smile.

"Hello there, my name is Serena. Don't worry about me, I'm Ash's girlfriend so you don't have to be scared of me" she said

Riolou looked up at Ash and Ash looked back at riolou with a smile and nodded. Riolou crawled out of Ash's arms and into Serena's. He snuggled his head in her soft arms as she rocked him to sleep.

Ash and Serena smiled at each other and gave each other pecks on the lips before standing up and walking to the lemon siblings and pikachu.

The gang smiled at each other before heading back on the road and to a good camping spot for the rest of the night.Eventually, they spotted a good camping spot in the middle of the forest and setted up camp.

Once they were done, Serena setted riolou gently in Ash's tent and went off with the other's to eat dinner.

After dinner, the gang decided to go straight to bed to get up early and set off to the next city.

When Ash got in his tent with pikachu, they saw riolou waiting for them.

"What are you doing up riolou? Aren't you suppose to be asleep?" Ash questioned

Riolou shook his head, grabbed one of Ash's empty poke balls from his belt, that was still on Ash, and captured himself in the ball.

Ash and pikachu looked at each other in shock as their jaws literally hit the floor. Ash recovered from his shock and slowly grabbed the poke ball from the ground.

He held it in front of his face and smiled before putting the poke ball on his belt and drifted off to sleep with pikachu beside him, but before he did, he said quietly

"Welcome to the family Riolou"

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