Part 13: Get out

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At the door was non other then the traitors. Delia tried to hug Red but he dodged all of them and pushed her away.

"What are you doing here, can't you see we are trying to forget about your stupid decisions on my son" said Red

"Please I missed you and my son, can't we just for-" before she could finish, Ash disappeared and reappeared in between his father and the traitors as his eyes turned blue and his body grew bright

"I.Am.Not.Your. Son! GET OUT" he screamed while lifting his hand towards them and threw them on their faces and slammed the door, breathing heavily.

The gang watched from behind in shock and worry. They knew how Ash got when he's angry all except his father and the only ones who can really calm him down is Serena&pikachu but pikachu doesn't do it until it gets really serious so it's mostly Serena.

Serena sprinted in front of Ash and grabbed his cheeks and pulled him in into a deep and loving kiss to get him on track again. It didn't take long for Ash to kiss back, meaning he is now calmed down again.

After their little moment, the couple walked back to their bed and Ash sat down while Serena sat on his lap. Clemont,Bonnie and pikachu signed in relief that Ash would be ok but Red stood there confused as ever

"Umm... would anyone like to explain what just happened with my son" he said in worry

Ash signed and pulled out a note about his condition and gave it to him. Red began to read and his worried face turned into a scared and anger face.

He was scared for his son although having aura, he can do some serious damage to himself and others but he was angry at those low life pathetic people caused this on him.

Red was about to say something when their was another knock at the door. Ash began to tense up and ready to throw that person out the window but Serena calmed him down quickly by kissing the side of his neck, relaxing his muscles and he tried his hardest to stay calm but he could only hold it for a short time before he would snap.

Bonnie quickly took action and ran to the door before anyone could protest.

With Bonnie
Bonnie turned the nob of the dor but soon regretted her decision. Delia was standing there with tears and her hands folded but Bonnie couldn't care less and rolled her eyes.

"What is it now? Come to crush another one of our friends soul?"she commented rather rudely for her age causing Delia to take a little step back

"I was just trying to-" before she said another word, Bonnie slammed the door in her face and huffed.

"Stupid witch" she muttered and walked back to her friends and brother.

When she got there, Ash was asleep but looked noticeably tense up. Everyone was looking at him, worried for his safety.

"Uh did I miss something here" she questioned and sat next to her brother as he began to explain

"Ash was tired from all the energy so we told him to rest but after a while he start to say stuff like "the darkness will rise soon and destroy everything in its sight but will vanish to a energy so strong, it will be able to defeat Arceus himself."

"Woah, freaky" Bonnie stated and looked in awe but also a little frighten for the future.

Then Red talked, breaking the silence "Our plan to get revenge starts tommorow sooner that's over, we'll plan to save the world...once again"he said the last part quieter

Soon everyone in the room could hear and they all nodded before falling asleep for tomorrow's revenge.

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