Part 14:Match Up Battles gone wrong

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It was the afternoon and Ash,pikachu and eevee are on their way to the battle field while the others are sitting in the stadium, waiting for the match to start.

As soon as they got there, Ash was given a card that had a thunder bolt on it and walked to the field where he saw Gary,Paul,Misty,May,Dawn, and Max. The he turned his attention to the score board

"Alright foks! Here's how this works, whoever you get partner up with, you'll have to be with them through the whole day of battles then you will battle your partner tommorow if you make it. Now! Look at your card and you will see a picture of a pokemon on it. To find your partner, you'll have to find the same picture as him/her. You have 5 minutes"

Then everyone was sprinting around, looking for their partners while Ash just walked. Soon eevee found the same pikachu card in the air.

"eve! evee!" she pointed out getting Ash and pikachu's attention.

Both looked towards where she was pointing at to find what they were looking for

"Good job vee vee" Ash thanked and walked towards the card only to stop dead in his tracks.

His partner had a green bonnet with a white poke symbol on it, a orange top and a white skirt with white shoes. It was May Maple.

Ash took a very deep breath and walked towards her. She notice him and a smile appeared on her face.

But be for she could speak, Ash put a hand up so he won't have to face her and spoke quietly and coldly.

"Don't speak to me, this is a battle not a room to try and reason me. Focus on what is important." May frowned and got a teary eye.

Then the announcer came on "Times Up! I'm sure you found your partners by now but if you didn't please look at the screen", everyone looked the screen and saw who they were with then the pictures started to shuffle.

"These are the trainers you'll battle with, first battle please go to the battle field" the screen showed that the first battle will be Ash&May v.s Paul&Gary.

In the audience
Clemont, Bonnie, Red and Serena looked very worried as they watched the raven haired boy and his wanna-be friends walk to the battle field.

"I really hope Ash won't freak out about this during his battle" Bonnie said nervously

"Yeah, I agree that'll might effect his battling and he might lose" Clemont replied and pushed up his glasses

Red and Serena look at each other then the battle field 'c'mon Ash, you got to stay in control here. You can't lose now' Red thought and tighten his fist

'Ashy, please don't let your emotions get the best of you, I don't want to see you hurt ' Serena thought and put her put her hand in her left pocket and pulled out the ribbon Ash gave her a while back and squeezed it tight.

Battle Field

"This will be a 3 on 3 battle! Trainers, Please release your pokemon" the ref said

"Electrivire, stand out for battle"

"Blastoise let's win"

"Blazikin battle time" May,Paul and Gary called out while Ash just stood there

Once their pokemon were all out, Ash looked over to evee and nodded and she jumped off his shoulder in battle stance "Battle begin"

"Use thunder on Blazeikin"

"Use hydropump on eevee" Gary and Paul command

"Dodge"May and Ash yelled

Both pokemon dodge and jumped in the air "Blazikin use flamethrower on both" May said

"BLAA" Blazikin said and release a powerful flamethrower on both pokemon but only did a little damage "Vee Vee let's end this, use smack kick" Ash said

Eevee's paws and back legs began to glow as she ran to the to pokemon and did a few kicks before the two pokemon fainted.

"Both pokemon are unable to battle, the winners are Ash and May" the ref said in shock

"Well that was a shock, Ash Ketchum defeated both pokemon with one simple move!Give it up foks" the crowd started to scream especially his friends,dad and girlfriend who were screaming off of the top of their lungs.

Ash faked smiled at them and waved to them who waved back. He then walked away without saying anything to 'them' and went straight to his room and slammed the door shut.

Ash's eyes turned blue and he screamed in anger not realizing that pikachu and evee were still on his shoulders. They both jumped in front of him and then lunged on to him.

Both of them hugged his chest as tight as they could, stoping the screaming and calming him down slowly.

"pikapi pikachu(Ash it's okay, we're here, please calm down)"

"eevee vee eeve(Please Ash, please don't get angry, calm down)"

Both pokemon said softly. Ash darted to calm down and his eyes turned back to normal as he returned the hug to his two best friends.

"Thanks guys" was all he said before he fell on his back and passed out.

The last thing he heard was someone calling his name and then saw black.

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