Chapter 15: Detective and Police

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Dynamite's Pov:
Me and Katana has actually worked out a schedule for our daily and nightly shifts. Katana had taken the night shift while I took the day shift. It was a good thing we both could agree on something since Katana like having both shifts.

The reason she agreed on this was because that she and TNT usually talked about both Dan's and Shep's behavior during the day. Those two had risen a great amount of suspicious around town as well as rumors. My sister was mostly the one who could debunk or prove these things.

ExplodingTNT has told me and Septic to keep a close eye on them. At the moment I was walking around and looking around the area. I was also waiting for Septic, she told me that she was going to tell me some important information that could be helpful. I finally saw her walking towards me with a notepad in her hands.

"Did you learn anything new?" I asked as I faced her. "Well after my few hours of spying on them, I managed to learn two pieces of important info." She said as she flipped through her notepad. "Like what?" I asked a bit disappointed. "I noticed that they have always been together and are never seen without Shep hugging Dan's arm." She said reading her notes.

"Hmm...with that info I guess that can conclude that they're both a couple or they're just overprotective of each other. Just saying from past experiences." I explained remembering a case of two lovers who had done crime together. "Well I guess so or something may be forcing him to do so." My older sister responded.

"Well I asked citizens around town and they too notice an extreme change in their behaviors. Some claim that they had receive some death glares from them." She explained. "How weird, Purple Shep is the most kindest person here as far as I heard. They may be a potential threat." I said as I thought.

"Report your discoveries to TNT and Katana, sister." I said as I took out my guns for extra protection. She just nodded and ran to TNT's house. Some definately weird is going on in this town and the cause of it may be Dan.

I'm In Love With A Criminal [TOASTERBOAT FANFIC] (Completed) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt