The Journey

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                                                                    Leela's POV

I kept my nose in my book as I heard the carriage's horses walk over the cobble stones. I stayed quiet as I felt the carriage rattle. The only thing going through my head was about the boys at Weston. 

'What are they like? Are their prefects nice? Are they like us? How do I introduce myself? Like this: Hi, my name is Leela Jenkinson, prefect of the Blue Brunerra House, HAHAHAHAHAHA nice to meet you HAHAHAHAHAHA?! No, no, no. Not like that. Why is this happening? Why am I so nervous? They are our age.' 

I was glad Angelica had piped up. Angelica Ainsworth was the prefect of the Crimson Carnation House, know for their elegance, beauty, and high birth rights. Angelica's curled blonde hair was sitting over her shoulders, stopping at the middle of her upper arm. Her scarlett eyes were filled with laughter and kindness. Her pale skin was glowing. Naturally, she was very much perfect.

"Are all of you nervous, too?" Gamora Bellingham, prefect of the Green Gladiolus House and one of the most athletic people at St. Albany's spoke immediately. "Yes! I have so many things going on through my head right now!" Gamora's green eyes were screaming worry. I decided I would join the conversation. We were all friends here. 

"My thoughts have been drowning out all the other sounds for quite some time now. Do you think they'll be nice?" I asked, looking at the greatest artist in our school. Ignasia Valerius, prefect of the Lavender Larkspur house, was staring out the window. She was always quiet and appeared to be very dark and gothic. But truly, she was so kind and gentle. She puts up a high wall around her, though, for she's afraid of what others think. She fears society won't accept her existence. What she doesn't know is that if she were to take down those walls, she would be greeted by friendly people eager to know her. People who would take a liking to her. People would see how caring she is through her dark brown eyes.

Ignacia started packing her drawing pad in her bag, when she saw me looking at her. I suppose she thought that meant that I wanted her to answer me. "I believe they will be quite friendly," she said quietly. Angelica smiled at her and nodded. "I agree." Angelica looked out the window, then back at the three of us. "Do you think there'll be handsome young men there?" Angelica could never go anywhere that had boys without asking that question.

Gamora let out a small laugh. "No need to worry, Angelica. I'm sure there will be several handsome young men," she said mockingly. I let out a low chuckle and smoothed my dress. We were all wearing dresses the color of our houses. Mine was a blue laced dress with a white blouse and a blue coat on top. The same went for the other prefects.

Weston was a long way from our school, so we talked and laughed the rest of our way, all of us hiding the same question in our mind: 'What will they think of us?'

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