2. An year later

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Almost a year later.

Over the past months, I've learned a lot.

I've learned that werewolves are real.

Werewolves have the ability to shift from human to large wolves whenever they please. Human or wolf form, they have incredibly strong senses. Like other hunting animals, these people/animals have sharp senses of smell, hearing, and sight. But over years, these creatures have mutated to become more and more powerful. They are strong enough to pick up a car, they are faster than a high-speed train and they are extremely deadly.

That's how they caught me that night. They followed the trail of my sent and my very loud running. Turns out that they didn't even follow me into the woods until the next day.

I was taken by a gang of rogues who now uses me as a human drug 'tester'. What are rogues? Rogues are werewolves that are cast out of their packs for doing illegal offences. Rogues are unwanted or hated by other werewolves because they can be savage and filthy.

This was a lot to take in at first, but I've had a whole year to think about it.

I wasn't the only girl that was taken. Over years, many girls have come and died. I am one of the longest to survive here. To be fair, I think I had it way better than most of the other girls. The rogues said I was 'special', so they gave me to their leader. I was given to him like a toy, but I was grateful for that because what they did to other girls was way worse than what they did to me.

Because of my 'specialty', I was prisoned in a massive room that consisted of just a king-sized bed. One of the 'taken' girls was in charge of looking after me. Because I was drugged majority of the time, a girl named Jane had to clean and make me look 'pretty'. The asshole who experimented on me liked to see me well presented.

Jane was the one who taught me about werewolves.

Right now, I lay on the floor, staring at the blank ceiling. Any moment now, someone will come and inject me. Once that's done, the purple solution that I'm so used to will run through my veins again. Then, the familiar feeling of hallucinations and dizziness will enter my thoughts. That's when he usually comes back.

But the person who came through the door didn't have the intention of hurting me.

Before me, stood the girl who educated me over the year. The only person I had communicated with throughout my year of captivity. The girl I was so grateful for. But she wasn't the same girl I knew.

Her pupils were an electric green, her canines had grown past her lip and her fragile body was cover in blood.

"GO. Run like the wind Amber," Jane hisses at me. "Don't turn back, and don't go back home. They'll catch you there."

I look at her with questionable eyes. I'm too shocked to process anything. This is the day I've been waiting for, a chance to escape. I open my mouth to speak but Jane cuts me off.

"Here take this," she says holding up a black back-pack. "Do you hear me, Amber? This is your only chance. RUN!"

I look at the door then back at Jane. I think about it again. Can I really leave the girl that helped me survive all these months?

''Amber, please don't think about it too much. I won't be able to live for much longer so don't think about me. Please, this is your only chance,'' she pleads. I snatch the bag from her hand and run out the door. A quick glance back and I see Jane on her knees, blood pooling up around her.

Accaila - The Story of a She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now