Monday at the office, Cara moves on

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The office was quiet Monday morning; several associates were in a meeting so fewer conversations were floating above the cubicles which crowded the center of the floor. Cara sat at her desk, with numerous reports spread before her. She was working on a summary of her team’s accounts which would be part of a presentation due later that week. Jay would be working with her on the report, and they would present the information to Jamison and the Board of Directors together. It would be significant; it was her first major action as a team leader and Jay’s as a junior associate.

The work was going well; Cara had arrived early and gotten a head start before the day got busy with phone calls and meetings. Oddly, she had yet to see Jay. He was normally one of the first to arrive every day, but as of 10 AM his office remained dark. After what had transpired this past weekend, Cara was worried.

She had not spoken to either Mark or Jay since Erin’s fundraiser. Cara had tried both, but neither had returned her calls. And by Sunday afternoon, Cara had decided that the best thing she could do was to move on. She was very upset about Mark and Mindy, but in retrospect she realized that maybe she had put too much stock in their relationship, and most likely, he had not done the same. While what he did was wrong, their relationship was not exclusive, and while they had shared a level of intimacy, clearly she had made assumptions about his feelings for her that sadly weren’t true.

Jay had been the gentleman this weekend. While at first she had been upset at him for digging into Mark’s past, Cara now realized that he did it with her best interest in mind. And in hindsight Cara gained a new level of respect for him regarding the way he handled Mark and Mindy’s tryst. After he found out he could have easily came on strong to Cara, but didn’t, either out of respect for Mindy, or for Cara, or for both.  

With this important presentation in mind, Cara made the conscious decision to focus on work, setting aside her personal life for now. It had been too much of a distraction and the last thing she wanted was for her career to be derailed by a fireman.

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