chapter 2: Adopted

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"Reagan, I can't believe your idol will be here," Lilly said. "Me neither. I don't know what to say." "Dakota will have to adopt you." "Yeah I highly doubt that, Lilly." "You're her biggest fan. I bet the other girls don't even know anything about her. They just want to be adopted by someone famous. You're the one who can make that special connection with her." "Aw Lilly, that's so sweet. You're a great friend." "Aw stop it!"

"Well we better get ready if we want to meet Dakota," she said. "I can't wait. What if I totally lose my shit and act crazy?" "Chill, Reagan. Just tell her what a big fan you are and what she means to you. I bet that will make her happy." "Yeah but I want to make that special connection. I don't want her to think I'm just another lame fan, ya know?" "Just be yourself." "What a cliché," I said. "I'm serious." "Okay whatever you say, best friend." "You will get adopted. I just know it!"

About seven or eight minutes later after we all got dressed, it was time to meet Dakota. I was shaking with excitement. I really need to get my shit together. Maybe I should take Lilly's advice and calm down. Should I really be myself? All these thoughts were taking over. Too bad Emily Cohen had to leave so soon. Oh well! She was a bitch anyway. As we came downstairs I couldn't hide my excitement any more. The time had come. "Hey!" said Lilly poking me. "Look over there!" My heart was pounding. This was the moment I had been waiting for. There stood Dakota looking amazing. She is even prettier in real life!

"Just go and talk to her already!" Lilly yelled. I stood there frozen. "I thought you wanted this, Reagan." "I do but I don't know what to do or say." I have to do this, I thought to myself. This is my idol we're talking about here! At that moment I ran up and gave Dakota the biggest hug I could. Oh my god, did I just do that? I'm so stupid. She must hate me now and think I'm crazy. Surprisingly Dakota wasn't mad. She looked at me and smiled real big. "Oh hello there! I'm guessing you're a fan and a real good hugger," she laughed. "Yeah, it has been my dream to meet you. I'm sorry if I startled you." "No need to apologize. You were just very excited to meet me. It's completely okay!" I looked back and I saw Lilly smiling at me. "So what's your name?" "I'm so stupid. My name is Reagan." "That's a lovely name. It's nice to meet you." "Likewise."

Is this really happening? Is this a dream? "Reagan, are you okay?" "Yes, i'm just real happy. I don't remember the last time I have been like this." "Well i'm glad you're happy. It makes me feel good that I made your day." You did more than make my day I thought to myself. You made my life complete. "Can I ask you something, Dakota?" "Yes." "Can you sign my notebook?" I asked. "Of course! Anything for a fan." After she signed my notebook it turned out that Dakota has great handwriting. "Thank you so much!" I said. "You're welcome. That's just what I do." "I'm sorry If I bothered you." "Oh no! You didn't at all. I like talking to you, Reagan. I don't know what it is about you but you seem different than the others. I bet none of them would do what you just did."

Did I just hear those words come out of her mouth? Dakota has been so nice to me and now she thinks i'm different, but in a good way. "So Reagan tell me a little about yourself?" "I'm no one special really. I'm just a fourteen year old girl hoping to escape this hell." "Are you really this unhappy here?" Dakota asked with a concerned look on her face. "Pretty much", I replied. "I hope you can find true happiness someday. Just remember one thing. Happiness is something everyone deserves. You don't have to be anyone special," she told me.

I started to cry. Just great! I'm making a fool out of myself. Dakota will think i'm weird. "Did I say something to upset you, sweetie?" she asked. "No, of course not! These are tears of joy. I never thought you would be this nice to me." "You don't know how happy that makes me," Reagan. I wiped a tear of my cheek and smiled. "Reagan, you really are a nice girl and I hope other can see that." "Not really. Others treat me with disrespect." "They probably are just jealous of you."

God damn it! Why can't I except a compliment? Before I could say anything Dakota said she had to go talk to ms. Brown and that she would come back in a few minutes. I was trying to process everything that has happened.

A few minutes passed by and Ms. Brown showed up. "I have some good news for you", Reagan. Could this mean what I think it means? Dakota has something she wants to say to you," Ms. Brown said. A few seconds later Dakota showed up. "So Reagan. Do you want to become part of my family?"

Adopted by Dakota JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now