Chapter XIX: Adleren Von Hölle

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SS Officer: Ve suspect ze 36th SS Dirlewanger is responsible fur zis var crime.

Every Soldier groaned and cursed at the war-crime committing committee, they've heard stories of the Dirlewanger and their little adventure in Ukraine and Poland regarding the rape and brutal executions of may innocents.

SS Officer: Ze Führer speaks.

The Officer gave way to Y/N L/N as every soldier stood straight up from their seat and gave a mighty salute for their leader.

Soldiers: HEIL!

Y/N: Heil, mien soldaten.

They all sat down as Y/N motioned for the projector man to turn to the next slide.

Y/N: As jou all know, ze Dirlewanger und zere secret base have been located in ze abandoned section of Vale known as Mt. Glenn.

The projector displayed a fortified Mt. Glenn, with multiple pillboxes and barbed wire surrounding the area. Captured by scout plane, before it had to get out of the area.

Y/N: Zere fortifications are vell thought out, und ve cannot bomb their positions until zo of zese AA Guns have been knocked out of commission.

Soldiers: Forgive me fur asking mien Führer, so how vill ve get zere since like jou said, ze place is heavily fortified?

Y/N: Ve vill be creating a new regiment composed of a combination of Fallschirmjäger und Pionier. Ve'll be parachuting onto ze fortifications und zestoren zem fur ze main forces zo advance.

Soldiers: Jawhol Mien Führer!

Y/N: Es ist mien Ehre...

Officer: Ze Attack begins at dawn tommorow, take a nap, clean jour veapons, und make sure jou're prepared zoo take out zese traitors.

501st SS-Fallschirm-Pionier "Adleren Von Hölle."

Führer Y/N L/N
Ruby Rose
Yang Xiao Long
110 SS Soldiers
20 Wehrmacht Soldiers
11 Flammentruppen

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