Chapter VIII: Things To Come

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Y/N's eyes groggily opened, squinting due to the rays of the morning sun. He exited his sleeping bag and stretched. He grabbed his C96 Mauser and holstered it. The fire was dead, but the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Various indistinguishable sounds of nature filtered the morning air, along with the sound of Ruby snoring, Y/N turned and was a bit humoured at seeing his helmet in Ruby's grip, as if it were a teddy bear.

Y/N chuckled, he nabbed his Stalhelm from Ruby's grip, which she somehow had gotten. He strapped it to his head and found some Bacon in his backpack. Deciding to re-light the fire for now. He cooked up a few pieces of Bacon to eat for breakfast, he was chomping down on his third piece when he heard Ruby waking up.

Ruby: *yawn* G'morning Y/N.

Y/N: Guten Morning Fräulein Rose.

Y/N said with a smile, he offered a piece of bacon to Ruby, she nodded and grabbed the fried piece of meat, chomping on it like a hungry dog with a bone.

Ruby: Twiph isb deewicous!

Y/N: Ja glad to hear zat.

Y/N hummed a little tune and grabbed Ruby's hand, pulling her up to her feet. She dusted off her combat skirt and along with the young German wrapped up their sleeping bags, Y/N kicked out the fire using dirt and rocks. He notions for Ruby's scroll, for which she gives to him He opened up a GPS app.

Y/N: Zit appears ve are near ze Forever Fall, of vat remains of it...

Y/N observes, faintly remembering the German Campaign in Vale, where the 6th had torched the once-elegant Crimson forest to flush out Grimm.

Ruby: Once we get to Atlas we can talk to Ozpin can we? About Salem and her plans?

Y/N: According to vat Mr. Branven tells us, Ozpin vill prioritize defeating zis Hündin.

Y/N and Ruby continued their journey to Ozpin, whilst unaware themselves... that they were being watched from afar. Two shady figures, one with his fingernails creating dents in the tree bark. The smaller one almost leapt out, the larger figure held him back, the smaller one grunted and    receded back into the shadows.

RWBY Fanfic • |Chokepoint| Finale To The Germans In Remnant SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now