Chapter VII: Together

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Mount Glenn

Oskar stared at a map, showing strategic points in Remnant. He stroked his slender wrinkled chin as his devilish eyes scanned the map, he sighed and wrote down a few notes. He exited the room, all over the abandoned White Fang facility, his men were either lazily smoking, playing games or telling stories to each other. The vehicles sat near a hangar.

Oskar: Vhy ist zere nien vurk being done here!!?

Grenadier: Zere ist nien vurk zoo be done! Ze Doctor tells us to sit und vait for his little chemical show zoo be done.

Oskar scowls and made his way to the doctor's laboratory, where he slammed the door open and strode in only to see the Doctor sleeping on the job.

Oskar: Jou tell us zis vurld vill be under our control! Yet jou sleep ven ve need your chemistry ze most!!

Oskar yelled, causing Richtofen to wake and look at him furiously.

Richtofen: Ze doctor does his vurk ven he feels like vurk needs zoo be done... Understand!?

Richtofen asked grabbing Dirlewanger's SS collar and lifting him up. His face a twisted mix of fury and happiness.

Oskar: Ugh, fine!

Oskar scowled as the doctor dropped him to the floor and went back to his vials and liquids, he then grabbed one and shoved it in Dirlewanger's face. The crimson liquid within bubbled with rage.

Richtofen: Get von of jour men here, und tell him zoo go in zat glass room over zere.

It wasn't a question it was an order, Dirlewanger may have been a freakish psychopath and a child pedophile back on Earth commanding a company of men just like him. But even he knew not to question the Doctor, who knows he might find himself inside that glass room.

Moments later, Dirlewanger came back with an old 40s Waffen soldier in tow. Richtofen motioned for him to go in the room and place on the gas mask inside.

The Waffen soldier hesitantly went into the room, placed on the mask and awaited whatever horrible experiment came from Richtofen's mind.

Richtofen: He he now... Let us get zoo vurk!

He inserted the liquid into a container next to the room and twisted a valve, Oskar watched with utmost curiosity. As black gas filled the room inside, the old Waffen soldier turned his head frantically, As Richtofen began giggling, Dirlewanger tolerated it at first but when the giggling evolved into maniacal laughter, he lost it.


Richtofen: HA HA HA He zinks ze gas mask vurls zat's vat's so funny!!

Richtofen's laughter enveloped frightened and painful screams coming from within the gas chamber, Dirlewanger's smile soon formed when the gas cleared, the Waffen soldier still inside the gas chamber was now sitting in a mixed pile of red and grey liquid caking the floor, his black charred skin as if he had been through Hell itself.

Dirlewanger: Mien gott... it's beautiful...

Richtofen: Jou see! Jou see vat power ve have now!

Richtofen close to yelled at Dirlewanger, Oskar could only smile even more at the thought of the fog in Remnant...


Y/N: Jour uncle found me in ze forest und told me zoo find jou, he says zat Remnant ist in danger again. I zo not underschtand.

Ruby sat on a log opposite to Y/N crossing her legs.

Ruby: Well on my trip to Mistral, before you and your army came to save us, he told me and the others a story about Salem, a woman who wants to destroy Remnant, all that we've created. And plunge the world into darkness.

Y/N: I see...

Ruby: One of her minions, Tyrian. He tried to take me... fortunately Uncle Qrow was there to save us. He told me that, I had silver eyes for a reason he told me about how Silver eyed warriors graced the days of the past.

Y/N: Do jou have, ze povers of ze Silver eyes?

Y/N asked curiously, Ruby rubbed the back of her neck and responded.

Ruby: Well I've only used them once. On Cinder Fall, the one who almost killed you.

Y/N grimaced, remembering how painful it was when Cinder's arrow penetrated his lower stomach, he was then found by General Dietrich on New Germany, but still how did he end up in the water?

Y/N: Zat Hündin...

Ruby Then placed her arm on Y/N's shoulder, looking into his eyes with her silver ones. The Silver eyes that would bring hope to Remnant.

Ruby: Don't worry, we can defeat them... together.

Y/N smiled behind his respirator, while buddy handshaking Ruby.

Y/N: Together...

RWBY Fanfic • |Chokepoint| Finale To The Germans In Remnant SeriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt