Chapter III: Copperpot

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In Ironwood's former office the current General of the Atlesian army and governor of Atlas held his hand to his aching head, a missing dust shipment earlier today had caused the SCD to question wherever the hell it went, but Winter Schnee furthered the problem when she had continuously asked about the case of the Disappearing Dust.

General Copperpot: And you're certain that the Dust shipment never made it?

The new Atlesian general asks. Winter Schnee nods in agreement and responds.

Winter: It was supposed to arrive hours ago, I have no doubt that someone might've stolen it, bandits or most probably one-timers.

Copperpot: It was a truck-bound one wasn't it?

Winter: Yes it was General.

Copperpot stroked his goatee, contemplating...

Copperpot: Contact Führer Goering, I'll see if he has any SS battalions stationed around the area. We have to find out if, even if they signed the armistice. The possibility Germany is still plotting against Remnant.

Winter:... And if we do General?

Copperpot again rubbed his finger through his goatee, not wanting to think about the disastrous war that could follow, the weakened forces of Remnant versus a monstrous monopoly of an Empire.

Copperpot: We will have Great War number three, Germany's technology, industry and vast almost infinite manpower is just something the world of Remnant cannot deal with... let's just hope my assumptions are not true.

Winter: Yes sir. I hope so too...

Winter exits through the doorway, as General Copperpot begins sending a message to the new German Führer.


Y/N, who was behind a large shrub continued spying on a handful of Waffen soldiers. These men seemed different from the others... They were groggy, their walking itself wasn't normal, compares to the normal-like strides of Y/N's fellow SS members, they just seemed, out of place so to speak. That's when he noticed the decal on their uniform collars, twin stick grenades forming a cross, the symbol of the 36th Waffen SS.

Y/N: Dirlevanger...

He spoke silently. He knew of the Dirlewanger, their atrocities in war, made him wince in disgust for the Dirlewanger's victims, he noticed that they did not seem to know where they were going, they seemed to be walking around looking for something. A military objective... or someone to please their criminal lust. Y/N got sick to the stomach just thinking about that.

Grenadier: Do ve even know vere ve are going? Or jou're just leading us in complete circles.

Grenadier Leader: Nien, I know zere ist a small village somevere here, gut zing ve escaped ze Kommandant or else he vould have disciplined us.

Grenadier 2: In ze bad vay...

They all omitted a diabolical laugh, all having the minds of twisted and downright evil. They picked up the pace, the leader trying at the best of his abilities to lead the group. Now Y/N knew that these men were probably either area patrols or deserters, but personally he knew that wherever the 36th SS Dirlewanger was, their rotten commander would be too, he was the snake's head, and the lower troops the snake's body. And they weren't here for no reason, they aren't smart enough to build a portal. But someone must've told them where to find it, someone with the knowledge of the various lab locations, but who...

Y/N: Vell, Herr Dirlewanger. Vat are jou up zoo?

RWBY Fanfic • |Chokepoint| Finale To The Germans In Remnant SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now