Episode 38: Weather Controller

Start from the beginning

"Blaimen torus kaminer!" Blade Knight elaborated.

"Oh my..." Tiff said.


"Susie! Susie!" Escargoon called her name desperately.

"Yes, sir Escargoon?" Susie asked as she appeared on the screen.

"I need to stop this horrible weather change!" Escargoon begged.

"Oh yes, I heard that the weather guardian of the galaxy for your planet is experiencing some abnormalities," Susie said. 

"Weather guardians of a galaxy?" Escargoon asked. 

"Every planets have them," Susie explained. "It makes sure that every part of the planet has a stable weather. However, when it's experiencing some abnormality, it has no concentration to make sure that the weather on the island is safe. Instead, it may cause serious storms, random avalanches, harsh sunlight, and even too dry weather. You may have to experience this for about a month or so."

"So do I have to watch his majesty horribly dance in the rain?" Escargoon asked in a voice full of despair.

"Dance in the rain...?" Susie asked.

"Well," Escargoon started. "After he watched this one movie called Singing in the Rain, every time it rains, he-"

"Okay, that's enough," Susie stopped Escargoon before he was able to explain the whole thing. "I understand. I don't want to picture him doing any of that. So you just want me to make it stop raining in your planet, right?"

"YES!!" Escargoon answered brightly, just like the ray of sunlight. 

"Well, I might have something. Wait a minute," Susie said. She started to look around to find the machine she kept to control the weather. "Aha! Here it is!" She brought it to her seat and showed it to Escargoon. The machine looked like a hair-dryer, but just a little bigger, with various buttons with symbols of different weather. "Just shoot it at the sky and you'll change the weather," Susie simply explained the usage.

"Oh! What a simple thing to use! How much is it?" Escargoon asked. 

"400 D-bills," Susie said. "Cash as usual, right?"

"Yes, I can pay now," Escargoon said.

"All right, I'll send it over right now," Susie said.

They both exchanged the money and the product. 

"Make sure you read the warning, and make sure he doesn't dance again," Susie said as she winked. "It's horrible for anyone to even imagine that. It's for sake of everyone's eyes and mind."

"I will," Escargoon said as he winked and gave her a slight hands up.

"Arrivederci~~" Susie said as she disconnected. 

"All right! Time to stop that horrendous performance of his majesty!" Escargoon said with his voice full of determination. He skipped joyfully outside the throne room to try out the new weather controlling machine he just bought. "Hold on, she said something about warning. Let's see: Warning! Only aim it at the sky. If you aim it at an object, the laser will turn into a monster and start attacking you," Escargoon read. "Ah, that's nothing." He went where he was able to see Dedede.

"Dancin' in the rain, Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah, Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah, I'm happy again!, I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!" Dedede's eardrum-attacking singing voice was still coming from the garden.

"Allow me to teach you a lesson, your majesty," Escargoon said as he clicked the wind button. Then he aimed at the sky and pulled the trigger. The ball of laser soared up into the sky and the clouds changed its shapes, and started to create a giant wind. 

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