"Don't bother, fox. I was just leaving her with one last souvenir. I'll take my leave for now. Until next time." Munakata sneered. He snapped his fingers, and was swallowed by an orb of darkness.

Tomoe returned his attention to the bleeding girl. "Come on, let's teleport. We'll get you taken care of, alright?"

"I-I can't." She whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"The bullet... I think it has iron in it. I can't use my powers." She coughed weakly.

"Don't worry. I'll carry you. We'll get you help." Tomoe insisted. "First, are you sure you want to use this concoction?"

"Give it to me." She whispered. Tomoe did as she asked. Without hesitation, she plunged the needle into her arm, and injected the gold liquid into herself. She threw the empty syringe away. "You need to hurry. No matter what happens, don't you dare stop until we reach Izumo."

Tomoe gently lifted her up bridal style, and raced out of the cave. Just hang in there. He thought, as he leapt into the air, and raced across the night sky.

After only a minute of flight, she began to scream. She clawed at Tomoe's arms, and tears streaked her face. It broke Tomoe's heart to see her like this. He wanted nothing more than to stop, and take care of her, but he'd made a promise. He also knew that there was nothing he could do to help her.

It seemed like days before Izumo finally came into view, and her screams dissolved into sobs. He lighted onto the grass just outside the gate, and briskly strode towards the gathering place of the gods. He only got a few steps before someone interfered. "Don't move." A pompous voice hissed.


You slowly regained your composure, and looked up at the angry god. Damn, it just had to be him. You thought to yourself with a hiss.

"I am here with a wounded goddess. I did not come to fight." Tomoe addressed the god. You were impressed by how civil he could be when he needed to.

"What goddess do you bring?"

"The goddess of beasts! She is terribly wounded, and in need of immediate attention!"

"Tch, leave her be. A goddess like that isn't worth saving."

"What did you say? What the hell gives you the right to say that?" Tomoe growled, all civility gone.

"S-stop, Tomoe." You coughed. "Ikusagami hates me more than the others. If he is watching the gate, we'll never get in."

"We can't give up!" Tomoe barked.

"I know. There is one other place we can go. I never wanted to return, but we don't have much of a choice."


"The netherworld."

"What?! What could we possibly find in there?" Tomoe spluttered.

"There's someone there who will help." You grimaced as the pain surged through your body once again. "You need to hurry, my time's almost up."

Tomoe hesitated for a second, then nodded. "Alright." He turned and ran for the cluster of rocks that marked the entrance to the underworld.

"Bring me closer to the rocks." You instructed. Tomoe complied. You stretched out a bloody hand, and touched the cold stone. "I, (Y/N), goddess of beasts, request return entry to the underworld." You whispered as softly as you could, so Tomoe wouldn't hear you. The stone shivered, and finally crumbled away. A gaping hole stood in place of the stone. It was like a black hole that didn't drag you into it.

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