
69 23 14

Dedicated to chipotleislyf

Chanyeol walked into the trashed store. Waves of water ripples beneath his feet as he felt waters temperature rising.

"Shoot. Hyung!?" He walks further into the building as he notices, the more steps he takes, the water level rises and the 'human figure' is sinking.

His breathing quickens as his paces become faster and he thinks of the unthinkable yet, expected.

To his surprise it's not what he expected. It was just a mannequin. He sighs in relief as the water beneath his feet are awfully steaming hot.

Although is doesn't bother him. He feels a strange vibration as the water begins to part away from Chanyeol's distant.

With the room at a temperature above 100 degrees, it was impossible for anyone else to survive.

Chanyeol tried to decrease the temperature but immediately remembered Suho's presence. He was sweating and on the floor gasping for breath.

"Are you trying to kill me or what?" Suho managed to speak out as Suho tried his best to move away the hot water from draining his power.

The water parted enough for Suho to breath and Chanyeol to dry up. "I'm sorry hyung." Suho nodded before placing the huge bag of groceries before him.

Smiling innocently up at Chanyeol, Suho hid his fear of getting caught in the moment.

While Chanyeol rummaged through the bag to check if everything was inside. The water level began rising.

"Uh, Chanyeol-ah let's get outta here, looks like there's a broken water pipe or something!"

He took the taller boy by the hand and dragged him out of the place.

They both heaved a sigh as if they ran from trouble or otherwise.

But... something felt strange inside of Chanyeol and all he could think of was Bonghee's unnatural behaviour and the sudden appearance of water.

"Uh- oh." Chanyeol closed his mouth as he saw that Suho had already seated himself inside between Jia and Sehun.

Bonghee had a worried expression written in her face that made Chanyeol raise suspicions, also about the the behaviour earlier brought Chanyeol back to his senses.

"What took you so long? I'm starving." Sehun whined which made Chanyeol smile at his cuteness and that he was feeling much better now.

"I'm so tired." Chanyeol yawns as he closes his eyes shut before hearing Suho's response. "You must've used up all your energy."

They were no longer in the car, they were in a type of garden, it was bright and colourful.

There was a- oh kai!" A smiling kai appeared next to Bonghee's side as he leaned in to whisper into her ears.

But he's not here.

"The others were wondering what was taking so long, I take it as you are just about to leave?"

He spoke making Baekhyun, Xiumin and Sehun laugh. Baekhyun teases Kai that makes him run and laugh like a maniac.

All they could do is laugh and enjoy the moment.

But they're not here.

"Why!? Did you miss me hyung?" Sehun slaps his knee as D.O and Xiumin laughed at his joke while Suho whined about his jokes being better than his.

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