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"I found something!" Lay came running to the other boys who were warming themselves around the not so flash looking campfire, inside an old drum tin with whatever they could burn with.

Xiumin smiles as he got up and asked Lay what he had found. Lay revealed a pink mask, it looked unusual. Well, the only thing their world could describe was unusualness.

"What is that?" D.O asked Xiumin who was holding the mask reading what it gave. "I-I don't know, its an oxygen mask to prevent gases entering through the nose, I don't understand, what's it doing here?"

"I went off to get more fire wood from the east because I collected a lot more today and I was walking back to our campsite but then there was a flash flood ahead so I had to take the short route, which was where the trollies were hidden and I found this mask."

Lay pointed to the pink mask. It looked clean as if it was maintained. "No dust, marks or dirt, where did you say you found this?" Lay took Xiumin and the other members where he had found the mask.

Xiumin lifted the tree branches hiding the trollies and revealed a few more items in the trollies gone. "What!?" Lay gasped as he saw another trolly full last night and mid empty now.

"We're not the only ones here." Xiumin said before he removed the other branches. "We have to move." Chanyeol suggested and all the other boys agreed.

"I'm sorry I doubted you." D.O placed his hands on Baekhyun's shoulders as he apologised. Baekhyun smiled before forgiving his brother. "I understand, I would've done the same if I was you."

All the boys got changed into what they found in the 'convenient store' Baekhyun found some black and white triangular striped pants and a warm red sweater and white chucks.

Xiumin wore black and yellow striped fleece sweater with black pant and some black chucks.

Kai picked out a red jumper with white pants and Chen wore a white jumper under a blue checkered long sleeves shirt with red pants to keep him warm.

D.O wore a simple white jacket and brown pants. Lay kept his green jacket on and wore a blue jumper underneath along with dark blue pants which were warm  and safe for him if he ever managed to graze his skin on anything sharp.

Chanyeol wore his blue and red warm fleece although it was ripped while walking through the rough street and buildings, he never really cared about his appearance.

Sehun wore as he came, blue shirt and black pants along with Suho, white shirt and black pants. They were ready to move ahead, in hope of finding a way out.

"Pink Fur boots?" Chanyeol laughed hysterically as he ran to a cave with film strings all around the entrance, if it wasn't for Chanyeol, Baekhyun would have thought it was a special cave.

"Is this a special cave?" Baekhyun's head popped in between the leader and the eldest as they analysed the well organised and habitual cave. ...

"Where bubble fairies live?" The both mature boys sighed as they examined the so called cave. "Looks like someone lives here."

Suho finally confirmed as they entered the cave. It was dark and messy, there were film tapes and old tv inside all over the place.

"That's a lot of tv!" Chen exclaimed as he channels through the uncivilised tv, the response he got was black and white squiggly lines.

"Why would there be tv? And a lot of them?" Chanyeol asked out of the blue. A lot of strange things had happened In the past few days. "Hey isn't that all the food we got from the supermarket?"

Lay ruffled through the card box which had the enough amount of food from the two trollies. "It is!"

"What the?" Kai mumbles as he picks up the exact pink mask that Lay had found. "Guys!" It was the exact same thing but it was smaller.

"What is this supposed to mean?" Sehun asked as he drifted into immense thought. "I'm not sure but there's no one here and there's food, we'll figure it out tomorrow so we're staying the night. Sleep well everyone."

~~Author note:
Time goes by so quick! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and continue to support me. Thank you ❣️ And once again have a blessed new year💕~~

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