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"Sehun? Did you say you left the first aid kit in the fourth box to the left?" Suho stood confused trying to find the first aid kit. "Yeah, it should be. Just left it there last night." He smiled at Suho.

Last night... "it's not here though." Chanyeol spoke up irritated this time looking for it. Lay accidentally scraped his arm on the old steel door frames, his health was important right next to Xiumin's. Day by day he would become weaker.

"It's okay hyung, I got this." Lay ripped a piece of fabric from his shirt with his teeth and tied it on his bleeding area and smiled showing his dimples.

"Wasn't that hard, just not as flash as a regular band aid would look." He chuckled again but surprising the other members.

"What?" Lay asked confused. "Did anyone else see that?" Suho pointed to Lays arm which was now blood free and clean.

No mark or blood. "See what?" Chanyeol removes the ripped shirt that was tied into Lays arm and showed everyone. "There's no blood! What the hell!?"

"I'm sorry Lay." Chanyeol apologises before dragging a small knife along Lays hand. "AAH, HYUNG!?" Lay covers his hand and removes it when he feels no pain, They all gasp in the sight of miracle.

"It's a FLIPPING MIRACLE! Lay, did you know you could, fix bruises, cuts and.... more like heal?" Baekhyun asked the Astounded Lay.

"No...." the Surprised Lay replied. All in happy mood until Suho barged in.

"Where's D.O?" Suho asked Lay as Sounds of gagging, gasping and intense coughing was heard outside, everybody rushed outside to find Xiumin throwing up.

When he heard footsteps he raised his hand to stop them from coming near. "No, wait there." He spoke weakily, his voice was shaking and it was full of pain.

"But..." Chen was about to approach him but Xiumin stood before him, looking weak, pale and in pain. "For gods sake! I told you you're sick! You need to rest."

Suho yelled calmly as possible at Xiumin, he returned his statement by nodding in understanding and walking back in.

"Maybe I can heal him?" Lay mumbles hoping everything would be okay. Weird things happening starting from Chanyeol with the ability of fire, and Lay with the ability to heal.

Their hyung sick and D.O missing, Lay knew where D.O might be but he bought it should come from someone else as it would be appropriate told from them.

Chanyeol covered his nose "The heck did he eat?" All eyes grew at the now water washed barf. It was blood. Did he try to cover it or did he know he was barfing blood?

"That's red." Baekhyun spoke earning multiple 'tch' and 'duh' from the other members. Or was it the food? Chanyeol thought again before asking "What did hyung really eat?"

Sehun rushes in and found packets of cooked rice in a can and brought it to the others in the other room. "This thing is expired!" Lay exclaims as he stands up furiously.

"But why would it only affect hyung? We ate it too." A round of silence was lingering until Chen broke the silence. "D.O's gone and he took mostly all of the food."

The other member tried to process what Chen had just spoken. Everyone started to speak at once which was hard for anyone to confirm exactly why.

"I let him leave." A weak voice shuddered through the dark room stopping each  and every commotion as all eyes were now on him.

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