Dating Sherlock Would Include...

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Felt like doing one of these since all the ideas I have for the Sherlock fandom right now wouldn't be enough for a whole oneshot, so here ya go! There'll be one for John too, so don't worry!😉😂


Dating Sherlock Holmes would include...

•wearing his scarf around the flat
•trying to calm him when he's upset about a case
•helping him with a case
•making him tea
•him getting jealous when John asks you for help with his blog
•then immediately denying it when you accuse him of being jealous
•going with Greg Lestrade to pick up John and Sherlock after their "night out" (referring to 'The Sign of Three')
•coming up behind Greg after he ushers John out of the cell
•"Thank you, Greg. I'll get him."
•Sherlock sees you came for him and gets somewhat emotional
•"(Y/N), you came for me?"
•"Of course I did, you idiot. Now come on, let's go."
•you gently help him up off the bench
•as he and John are walking down the hall and out of the building, you walk behind them
•Sherlock looks confused
•"(Y/N), where are you?"
•"Back here."
•"Well, come on. We can't have you getting lost."
•he reaches back past John and takes your hand and pulls you to the front, right beside him
•you coming home to find him wasted and playing drunk games with John
•looking at him a bit disappointedly
•you go up to him and lightly smack his cheeks with your hands in unison
•"Oh, Sherlock. Why do you do this?"
•he just smiles drunkenly at you
•you shake your head and place a kiss on his temple
•he freaks out
•like, he fangirls
•because drunk Sherlock is emotional Sherlock
•going around the flat singing weird songs and doing stupid things to try and make Sherlock genuinely laugh/smile
•he still doesn't know why you love him
•he watches you from his chair as you fall asleep on the couch
•he ruffles his curls around you because he knows it drives you crazy
•he lets you wear his silk robes in the mornings
•he takes you out for dinner at random hole-in-the-wall places
•he doesn't go anywhere with Lestrade unless he knows for sure if you're coming or not
•he goes to ASDA with you to get milk and other necessities
•him using his mind palace to remember little things you've told him (favorite color, what happened on what day, little compliments, etc.) because you said once that men never listen and he bet that he could remember everything you told him and you accepted that bet so now he has to keep up with it because he never wants to lose
•you refusing to eat most of what he makes you because you're 1,000,000,000% sure it's just an experiment
•little kisses—he's not super emotional
•you usually initiate any sort of physical contact

SHERLOCK Preferences and OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon