Hello, Neighbor! (Sherlock)

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Life hadn't been easy for you.

Aside from the fact that you had to deal with your four younger sisters (all of whom were much younger than you), you had to deal with them alone. Your parents had unfortunately passed away when you were in your early twenties (not that long ago), and being too poor for an education anyway, you decided to raise your sisters like you would daughters. The youngest was only two years old, perfectly plausible.

The house you and your family had lived in for so long was far too large and expensive to keep up with. Granted, you had a job, but it was really only enough to pay for necessities for the five of you, leaving little to pay for the mortgage or bills. So, you decided, it was time to move.

John came upstairs and into the flat he and Sherlock shared, a grin on his face. "Sherlock," he addressed his best friend. "Guess what Mrs. Hudson just told me."

Sherlock Holmes, who was experimenting with some chemicals in the kitchen, didn't bother to look up as John walked in. "Careful," he warned in a monotone voice, focusing on the task at hand. "Don't touch anything."

John rolled his eyes, used to putting up with the detective's tiresome antics. "Guess."

"Either there's a sale at the jumper store, or someone new is moving in next door. My money's on the latter."

"How did you kn-"

"I saw. The way you were speaking and the idiotic grin on your face tells me our new neighbor is most likely a woman, which you are hoping is single."

John's face represented just how fed up he was with Sherlock. "Oh, do you know who it is too?" he said sarcastically.

Sherlock rolled his eyes dramatically. "John, not even I would be able to know that. Not with the little information I have."

"Well anyway, she's going to be here in a few minutes, from what she told Mrs. Hudson, so when we go to meet her, please be on your best behavior!"

John's flatmate looked up at him, staying in his position of leaning over the table to examine a bubbling chemical in a Petri dish. "Don't be myself?"


You carried the last of your large moving boxes into 221c, glad to call this cozy little flat your new home. Yes, you'd have much less space, and the five of you would practically be constantly sitting atop one another, but it was worth it to be able to save quite a lot of money.

You sat down on your sofa, resting for a bit after lugging all those boxes in from the trunk of your car. Albeit that there were five of you, you didn't have that many possessions.

Maybe I should start unpacking..you said hesitantly inside your mind, dreading the very thought of having to do that much work. "Eh," you waved a hand towards the boxes. "Later." Besides, when you do eventually get to them, you can make your two younger sisters, Paris (15) and Bella (11) help. The other two were the youngest, Dominique (2), and the second-to-youngest, Ariel (7). Ariel wouldn't be able to help unpack and get settled for the most part, since she had to watch after baby Dominique, or Mini, as you often called her.

Just then, little Dominique ran out of the hallway that lead to the bedrooms and washroom, wearing nothing but her diaper. She giggled and ran around the room, zipping around boxes and almost bumping her head on several of them, the pink bow in her curly blonde hair bouncing around. You however, were only concerned at the fact that she was only clad in a diaper.

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