Chapter 27// Alina

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I was in my bed skipping through my TV mounted on my bedroom wall when I received the text that made my heart skip a few beats and flip flop over.

Mark: Hey.

I didn't dare to open up the message. I wanted to text back but at the same time this is the same guy that gave up on me and lied to me. He played with my emotions and fucked me over literally and left me in dirt.

I was on a two way street. I could either mourn, cry, promise myself that I'll never ever give myself to another individual again or move on, grow from the hurt and pain. The guy that I once had seen my actual future and the rest of my life with was a player. I was so damn silly for even giving in. He was poison to my well being and because I enjoyed the taste, I was oblivious and stupid Alina that kept taking it over and over knowing what it was doing to me.

I was pissed. Fuck him and he could fuck off. I had a guy right now that listened to my silly, serious and mild problems plus he treated me like the only woman in the world. I only felt like Mark Morelli texted me because, Julia gave him a word of me.

Too bad. I'm not the same Alina anymore.


"Hi sweetheart." Toby said with flowers in his hands as I greeted him at my door.

My apartment complex was completely different from my first one in Kansas. Since I got a job promotion as a first grade teacher for the public schools I decided that a better, more adulting thing to do was upgrade my apartment. I was saving on a better car as well but since I just started teaching in August as a last minute deal and my school schedule was conflicted I had a few big graduate fees to pay.

"My god you're so beautiful." He said with a kiss on my cheek.

I smile in return. "Thank you Toby, you're not looking too bad yourself."

"My lady were just going Christmas shopping." He said twirling me around. I blushed. I wasn't too fond of his nicknames he gave me but I did get butterflies from them.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

As we headed to his Audi s8, he stopped me at the passenger door. He grabbed my face and kissed me randomly. Leaving the door for me to open, which was completely different from my ex I had got in by myself. We listened to today's rap which I didn't care too much for but I never judged anybody by their music choice. Toby loved his music played loud which sometimes gave me headaches after an eight hour of day of screaming children. We headed to the mall so we could get some Christmas shopping done for our peoples and friends.

Walking in we held hands but it fell to me holding his arm like the norm. "Ooo let's go into ToysRUs so that I could grab my classroom their gifts."

He huffed. "Sweetheart, right now? Maybe we should do that last?"

"Why? We're literally right here." I stopped walking and slipped my arm from his.

"Okay then how about you go and I'm going to run into here," he said gesturing at the cologne store. "And I'll be with you shortly."

I scampered off annoyed with him. One thing I couldn't stand about Toby is his way of shopping. I headed into ToysRUs and began shopping for the 18 children in my class. "Can I help you with anything?" A salesman approached me.

"Oh no I'm just looking, thanks." I said politely.

Just as I began to search the aisles for the first toy I was met, eyes first by Mark fucking Morelli. I felt like the entire store froze and myself. My heart was instantly pumping quickly and as soon as he started to make his way to me I blinked, hard and fast. Small world and an even smaller town.

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