Chapter 18// Mark

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I could tell that Al was the perfect father that I never had. He respected his kids and guests at all times. I haven't seen him mad yet but I could tell from his personality that he wouldn't take no shit from nobody. This was the type of man I needed growing up as a father figure.

"Have you ever bow & arrowed?" He asked unlocking a closet door.

"No sir." I said. "I've always wanted to but I never had an opportunity." I truthfully admitted. I thought back to the time that I use to beg my dad to take me to the young hunter course, where children boys and girls would learn to hunt using different methods, weapons and learning the precautions of doing it safely. He turned me down many of times and shoved me against the hallway wall near his study when I screamed at him for not letting me.

I shook off the awful memory soon as Al turned on the light into the small room which displayed all types of weapons. From hand guns to assault rifles, bow and arrows to giant spheres and from small pocket knives to machetes that were all displayed on racks and tables. "These are my toys. And today young man you'll get that opportunity if you're willing to," He asked in a statement. "to experience a bow. A long bow in particular."

I looked at him half frightened and half excited. This man had absolutely no idea that he was fulfilling my childhood dream of wanting to even pull the bow. I was immediately intimidated by Al because of his many weaponries. I believe this was a slight work of don't fuck with my daughter or my family.

"Before I show you, these are the types of bows." He pointed to each bow as he named them. "Crossbow, compound bow, longbow,  recurve bow, reflex bow, self bow, and flat bow." Then there was different types of arrows used for each of the bows. Most of them were hand made which I found fascinating. As I learned the types and descriptions of the bow I felt a bond began between Al and I instantly. Regardless if he felt it, this many I could see was becoming a role model to me.

He handed me the longbow which was one of the most common bows to use besides the crossbow. The bow was heavier than it looked and was suppose to be the easiest to use, in his opinion of course.

"I sure do appreciate this Mr. Redbird." I said walking next to him out into their backyard, which looked more like a forest and a patch land of plains.

"Al is just fine. Also it's not a problem. I love bonding with men whenever I get the chance. My boy is always on the road and my girls well they can be girls." He laughed at his last statement.

As we finally reached the backyard which was completely and totally opposite from mine, we started target practicing. My fathers backyard stayed landscaped with an underground pool and hot tub that had fresh cut green grass weekly. I couldn't believe that Alina was from this, I mean she never really expressed herself as an outdoorsy individual, but then again I never asked her about it.

"So your family? Are they close knitted?" He asked straight forwardly.

"Um no not really. We're all very separate and independent." I said struggling with the bow. "My big brother and his girlfriend live in New York and I don't really associate myself with my father although we live in the same area. My mom well she is a whole other story."

"Ah I see. Your mother, she isn't active in your life?" He asked in a sure tone.

"Correct, I haven't seen her since I was a kid. She dealt with a lot of verbal and physical abuse from my dad." I said still struggling with the damn bow.

"I'm sorry you had to witness such adultery." He said in an apologetic tone.

"I think it made me stronger, and very mature." I said shrugging my shoulders and finally giving up on the draw back.

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