17 {Play Without Rules}

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"Where is she?"

Caroline hears the commotion and immediately glares at Klaus. He sighs and then quickly goes up the stairs and forces Kol to release Alaric just as Damon brushes off the desk remnants.

"Now, Kol. Let's not hurt the people we're requesting from. Shall we instead all sit down and have a nice chat?"

Damon admits his confusion and as he had only just heard about Edie and now Kol is demanding to see her. Klaus tries to clear things up but he can see his brother become impatient.

"Just where is she? We're not going to hurt her? He loves her."

Alaric, Damon and Caroline all share a look. One of the oldest vampires in existence known for doing the most horrible deeds is in love and they are supposed to help him. After everything that he has done they are just supposed to tell him where she is. The super secret witch with incredible power who seems to be up to no good. 

Kol looked down at his feet. He didn't know what to do know. 

"I deserve your hatred, but not her. Please just tell me where she is. I need to make sure she is okay."

A silence passes over the room and Caroline shoots Alaric a quick admittance. 

" She's at my apartment," Alaric conceded.

He tried to further explain that she was with Bonnie, but Kol was already gone. Klaus stayed for few moments later to offer his thanks and say he was looking forward to meeting them when the next school year began before quickly leaving as well.

Bonnie made a move towards Edie. She picked up the devil's star because she soon realized how vulnerable she was once she took off the chains. She was about to comfort her when she heard a noise.

The footsteps were light and she could already tell who was there. Then she felt herself being hurled into the opposite wall.

"Now, now, Bonnie. This is no way to treat a guest," Kol smirked.

"Funny, because I don't remember inviting you in to lecture me about my guests."

They began fighting and Edie just watched in a small moment of horror and she saw the devil's star being wound up and Bonnie readied herself to throw it. Just as Bonnie was about to release Klaus appeared at the door way. But he was too late to stop the devil's star.

Just before it pierced Kol's heart, Edie was between them. She felt the cuts begin to burn across her body and Kol quickly cradled her to his chest. Bonnie sat stunned at her actions while Kol lay with Edie in his arms screaming for Bonnie to help her.

Bonnie started chanting just as Edie lost consciousness. Then, Edie felt the light shine across her eyes and then she saw him and for a moment she forgot who they were, what had happened and why they were here. 

"Hey there stranger. Second time to almost die right in front of you. Soon I'll become the girl who cried wolf."

"As long as you come back to me, I will always be here." He hugs her close to him and then helps her to stand.

"So you ended up using the Devil's star on me," Edie chuckled while Klaus and Kol were sharing a moment of confusion. 

"Yeah... I'm sorry it's just the last time I saw Kol Mikaelson... It wasn't on the best of terms."

She looks to see Kol glowering at Bonnie. Edie elbows him in the gut and says to Bonnie, "don't worry, I tried to kill him when I first met him."

Bonnie looked shocked but then eases when Edie squeezes her forearm to show a sign of acceptance. Edie then sits down across from Klaus and Kol. She had forgotten all her anger. Seeing him there, worried and upset made her forget why she ever was so concerned for all her sacrifice. She would do everything again if it meant saving him.

Then she began explaining her theory to Klaus and Kol. Dhalia and Esther are using their magic and exchanging it with other people in order to gain enough power to reincarnate themselves. First they absorbed the ancestors and then they absolved Edie. But when they absolved Edie, her soul was not lost, just waiting in the wings. Therefore, when she was released form the other side, she was not a puppet. Unlike Finn, whose being remained half in a peaceful place beyond and then half in the human plane. 

Finn was supposed to create enough energy for them which is why Edie had to kill him, but not the real him. Just a part of him that was reincarnated by his mother and aunt to do their bidding. Klaus was still speculative and Bonnie wasn't sure how the ancestors did not see this coming. 

"It doesn't make sense," Bonnie and Klaus admitted together.

"If you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind. I just need a little trust," Edie solicited.

She looked warily to Kol who beamed at her. He would always believe her.

"So, you've got a hunch but you've got to prove that my mother and aunt have knowledge of this equivalent exchange."

Edie then explains her trip to the cemetery earlier where Bonnie found her. She was looking at an unmarked grave. And then she pulls forward the book and points to the author, Ellesia.

The date Edie found for the unmarked grave proves the witch that died there was actually Ellesia. An expert on equivalent exchange magic and somewhat of a prodigy that was killed by New Orleans witches for her practice of raising the dead. The year she died is the same year Finn Mikaelson died. Edie had a hunch that they met on the other side and instead of quibbling over animosity, struck a deal. She was promised the destruction of the ancestors in exchange for bringing Finn back to life.

Klaus looked to Kol and could see his brother's vocation. He could not believe the woman Finn loved most in this world would trade his serenity in order to punish the rest of them. Edie squeezed his hand to assure him she was there. 

"So the question is, what do we do?" 

"Well, they have already gone down this route and they couldn't resurrect Finn... So either they resurrect someone else or they have to try and raise themselves?" Edie wasn't sure what she had accomplished now. Had she just driven them to complete their end of action?

Then their was a chilling knock at the door that made the room go quiet.

Bonnie stood up slowly and motioned for them to move towards the back door in case they needed to make a quick escape. Klaus had a hand on the door knob.

"Who is it?" Bonnie asked.

"Oh Bonnie, I'm just here to pick up my spell books, dear!"

Bonnie looked around Alaric's apartment, following. Why would anyone look for her spell books here?

"I'm sorry and who are you?"


• • •

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