"And what?" they both asked.

"And he...kissed...me..I know, I know, it's not a big deal, but I can't help but to feel as if everything is happening really quickly. I'm drawn into him and it's only been a night, yet I want to talk to him again." Namjoon began to blush to the tips of his ears.

"Maybe you should slow down and get to know him first. Start by texting him so you know how it is to talk to him in a de-escalated situation before you decide to meet him again. Have you messaged him yet?" Jungkook asked.

"Not yet."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go have fun. You deserve it even if you don't feel like you do. Goodnight Namjoon!" Jimin said as both he and Jungkook pulled him into a hug, then pushed him down the hallway, into his room. They then set up a movie in the living room, and settled down for the night.

I guess I avoided that one, Namjoon thought to himself. Thank you, Min Yoongi.

Namjoon decided to message Yoongi after changing his clothes and lying in bed.

Namjoon to Unknown

Hey, this is Namjoon, the guy from the library.
Is this Yoongi?

Unknown to Namjoon

I forgot to tell you to thank you for today.

Namjoon changed Unknown's name to Yoons

Namjoon to Yoons

No problem!
Actually, it would've been boring there if you hadn't come.
Did you make it home safely?

Yoons to Namjoon

Yeah, thanks to you.
Anyways, I gotta go.
Goodnight, Namjoon.

Namjoon to Yoons

Goodnight, hyung.

And with that, Namjoon fell asleep.

Yoongi, on the other hand, stayed awake planning how next he could meet up with the other.

Since when had he become so whipped for someone else? He pondered.

Yoongi heard a knock on his door as he put his phone down on his desk. Luckily, he had changed out of the pink sweater and dodged Jin in the kitchen so that he wouldn't have to live with the teasing of not wearing his usual attire for the rest of his life.

"Come in!" Yoongi told the knocker.

"So how'd you make it home in one piece? I know that you tend to walk far. And why didn't you text me sooner?" he asked the other suspiciously, like a parent would, as he leaned against the wall.

"Calm down, Jin-"

"That's hyung to you."

"Alright, dad. As I was saying, I went to the library, and waited out the rain in there. I also borrowed a charger because my phone died. Then I took the bus back." Yoongi explained.

Jin still wasn't convinced that that was the full story.

"The library is normally closed around the time I initially messaged you at." he pushed.

"Fine, I know that you wanted to know who I was with. His name is Kim Namjoon. He was the cute...I MEAN the perfectly regular librarian who lent me some clothing, and we swapped numbers." he said.

"Cute?" Jin raised his eyebrows at that.
Yoongi never calls anyone cute.

"No, he wasn't. I was just thinking of something else." Yoongi coughed out.

"Are you sure about that?", the older questioned, pretty sure that he finally caught Yoongi in his semi-lie of avoiding the full truth. " If that's all, then why are you blushing?"

Yoongi pushed Jin outside of his room as he said, " First of all, I do not blush. Secondly, I dont know what came over me and I kissed a person who I've met only hours ago. Am I proud of it... I'll decide in the morning. Goodnight, hyung."

Jin gasped as the door closed, but decided that he pushed enough for one night.

"Goodnight, Yoongi." He said from outside the room and walked away to go chat with his lover, Taehyung, who was waiting for him in bed.

Yoongi climbed into bed, thinking of that dimple-filled smile, and his plans of visiting the other the next day.

Hello, my dear readers. Thank you for reading this story!
I'm not sure if I should continue writing this, although I probably will.
Once again, thank you so much, and don't forget to vote if you've enjoyed this chapter!

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