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Navya was with Nandini in several classes and as both are learning semi-classical. Navya is from US she came a year ago as her dad had to shift after he was promoted as a CEO. Navya and Nandini went to canteen.

At the same time fab5 were already sitting there and Manik just came from the music room and entered the canteen with Nandini both didn't realize as they pass each other.

They both sat with their respective friends. Nandini sat with Navya's friends and Manik sat with fa5.

Manik and Nandini both shouted "Waiter" and their was only one waiter standing their between both the tables .

"Hey come here first then go to the lady" Manik said and Nandini also said "Hey ladies first remember?" said looking at waiter but did glance towards Manik and gave him a glare.

The waiter went towards Nandini but Manik again called him towards his table, as soon as he went towards Manik's table Nandini called him towards her table. Manik and Nandini both quarreled and the waiter got tired because of it and he quit his job and ran as fast as he could.

All laughed together at the waiter and Manik and Nandini as they still fought. Nandini was frustrated so she just sigh and walked away from their, but as everyone knows Manik is the one who is the first one to walk away so he followed Nandini .

Nandini was walking towards the lobby and Manik was shouting her name "Nandini!! Nandini hey stop" A fuming Manik running behind Nandini, he catches her and pulls her close to him. 

Nandini pushes him and runs away. She ends up in the store room nandini is hiding and manik is trying to find her.

Manik saw nandini hiding behind the couch and he pull her towards him. She gasps and they both look into each others eyes.

Suddenly there was a 'THUD' noise and they both ran towards the door and they both ran towards the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

They both turn their head towards each other and realize that they both are locked in the store room.

Manik sighs and sits on the couch as trying seems not useful. Where as Nandini was still struggling to open the door. she shouted "Someone open the door dammit".

Nandini looks at him and sees him so calm and asks him "Why are you so calm don't you want to get out of here?" but Manik just gives her an annoyed look.

She sighs and points a finger at him and says "You know your attitude is way up there" Manik chuckles and shakes his head thinking 'no one has ever told him this'.

"Nandini you don't know me at all okay" Manik says to her with an angry beast expression.

"Well I think we have time to know each other don't you think" Nandini said him looking around the store room . "Yeah I think I don't even have choice you know" Manik said, Nandini narrowed her eyes and glared at him. Its already finishing time of college and mostly everyone has left. They both tried everything calling but didn't have network, shouting was no avail.

The fab5 was waiting for Manik as he has the car keys. Nandini's brothers were trying to call her but her phone wasn't reachable.

Nandini and Manik were waiting for someone to show up and open the door and on the other side of the door everyone was worried about their disappearnce. The fab5 worried about Manik and here Nandini cousins and brothers were worried as she was never late.

Suddenly the lights goes off and Nandini starts to panic its just not something she likes at all. Manik doesnt notice her expressions and looks around for the switches and thinks why it has gone off. Nandini feels to difficulty to breathe and starts the cough. Manik hear Nandini and notices her,

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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