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We reach Mumbai in 9 to 10 hours and I was totally exhausted. My brother Rudra carried me from the plane to the car . I was too lazy to get up and do anything. This is benefit of having a brother . We left from the airport . An hour of traveling in car which was totally blurred by the way we reach a home from now . But I miss Australia still . I know this is going to be very hard to settle here but I think I will do my best .

We reach an unfamiliar mansion it was a very pretty amazing and simple . White Marble finish amazing great entrance. We entered inside it was very gorgeous place I must say . It was very classy yet simple totally mom's choice . Some movers kept our boxes in our rooms as others explored the mansion . I was so tired I  just went to dad .

"Dad where is my room " I muttered as others were talking and were exited about the whole new house thing whereas me not ...
Dad looked at me and carried me I didn't even complain about it just relaxed on his chest and fell asleep . I always used to get tired very soon . But dad always carries me and all the tiredness goes away .


I woke up in the middle of the night . Ugh jet lag is the worst thing anyone could have . My stomach growls which means I'm hungry . I walk outside the room I don't know where to go . Well let's explore this place . In about half an hour I found kitchen . Thank god the refrigerator was filled with food or I would have died .
I took some milk and cookies yummy that too chocolate . I used love have food at night but mom used to scold me . Well I am going to fill my secret stock tomorrow.

I had my midnight snacks and went to sleep . All along i knew staying here is going to be a hell of a life i mean how am i suppose to do . Anyway tomorrow is a big day first day of university or college whatever they say .  i really miss my home it was not this huge or something people would say showing of anything . i finally go to sleep at 3:00 am . while drifting i knew tomorrow is going to be a Roller coaster .

Next morning i woke up with a headache thank god at least I didn't have any morning lectures or else i would have look like a zombie . i showered and got ready. Today as first day i picked out something fancy to make a good impression . I picked out simple yet fancy white one piece and white vans my favorite .  I curl my hair little bit and put a very lite layer of makeup .

i walk downstairs and see all my family members having there breakfast

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i walk downstairs and see all my family members having there breakfast . Yum pancakes my favourite I love them so much I can have as many anyone give me .

"Good morning " mom said to me and placed my pancakes on the table . I sat and ate mine just then dad came from upstairs .

"Good morning " he said to everyone and kissed mine forehead and went to kitchen and kissed mom's forehead  and grab orange juice from fridge . He sat besides me and ate his pancakes.

"So Nandini today is your first day at college and your ride is also settled " he said I was so nervous about it because I don't know where my favourite Mini Cooper is still it was suppose to be here or there . I hope I had mine own ride cause going with my brothers is going to be a disaster.

Seriously I love my brothers but going with them is a problem . They will cause chaos at the college and I really don't want it would be . I'll explain , my brother will threaten every guy they see looking at me and I really don't wanna spoil my first impression.

"Well I know you don't like your brother is coming so I decided to get your new car well we can go outside and look at your new car" dad said and removed new car keys , and threw it at me. I squealed and excitement and went out running Then I saw grey colour BMW standing outside my house. And at that moment I knew I was going to Love in India ... well I didn't but now I know ..

I sat inside my car it was convertible I love it matte grey totally my dream car . I started ignition and I felt amazing .

"Thanks dad I love it so much love you " I  gave a flying kiss  to my dad.. This was amazing surprise he gave me.
I got my back and drive my new car which I named Cheryl towards College. I blasted my favourite song of one republic and drove . For quite some reason I'm feeling that something going happen and it's going to change my life . But what ? .....

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