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I reach "Space Academy " well I am quite impressed . I got out of my car but as the wind hit my face , my heart starts to beat fast . I don't know but I feel like their something which is going to happen and I can't stop it . But what . I looked around and see all the students staring at me and my car . Well I'm used to these stares they are not new .

Some girls came to me honestly they all have caked makeup on their face .
" Hey new girl I think you should know where you are parking your car " she said to me and all other girls nodded as stereotype it look , it sounds too .

"Well I'm sorry girls but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon because I have parked here already and I'm not going to change , and I was first here so ... " I said and started to walk inside the college . I was trying to find the Dean office . I can't find any clerk or anyone who I can ask . God this place filled with weird people . I saw a group of people standing at the corner and talking .

I walked to them " Excuse me " I said and they turned to me . "Well do you know where is Dean's office is ? "

"You are New here " the cute guy with cap and guitar hanging on his shoulder . Hmm well guitar did give a good impression to him .

"Yeah I'm in really hurry so can u just tell me " I said the him and looked at others they all had that same expression my brothers had when they are planning something devilish.

"The Dean's office is 2 floor on the third right " the cute guy said with a small smile . I like that guy , I returned with a smile and turned and followed his direction. I saw Dean's cabin I was going to enter just then I heard shouting from inside the room .

"Manik you need to behave okay and shop this nonsense it is already hard for all of us ..." some lady said

"Stop what mom you know the reason for all this havoc. I am a bloody mess then why don't you just let me be alone " I guess Manik said . I felt I was intriguing their conversation . I was going to leave just then the cabin opened and a very tall and sexy guy can out . His brown eyes held so much pain but then he flinched and it was like he totally turned into cold ice .

"Don't you have manners or what !! " the manik guy said to me but I was more into checking him out . Oh snap out of it Nandini ..

"Uh I didn't mean to eavesdrop you know , I -- he held his hand up towards me and I walked away . He cut me while I was talking ugh this guy may be sexy as hell he is to arrogant . Well at least you think he is sexy said my subconscious mind .

I took a deep breath and knocked on the cabin .

I heard a soft "come in " I went inside
And see a independent women who is struggling with her son but still kept her head held high .

"Hello I'm Nandini Singhania my father Arnab Singhania must have spoken to you about the admission " I trailed of as she nodded her head as she remembered about my arrival .

"Sit Nandini , it's an honour to have you at our college , anyway your classes are in these sheet which you have opt for " I looked at the sheet she gave me and read all the subjects and across the teachers name was written , as she continues talking I looked up from the paper .

"As you know this is a musical college all the subject are related to it , your father said you sing , dance and also write " I just nodded " well all the topics are related to it and if you have any problem you can come to me anytime " I thanks her and left .

My stomach grumbles well time to feed myself . I found the cafeteria well looks good let's see if the food is . I went to the counter and order cold coffee and a cheese grill sandwich.

I was waiting for my food just then a guy didn't know who came and sat on my table with a smirk on his face . I look around and see 4 guys looking at us ohh I know what this is .

"Hey my name is Akash " he said and held his hand forward . I looked between him and his hand .

I sigh " Nandini " and just got up and went towards the counter I am damm hungry and when I am hungry I get angry .

"Excuse me is my order ready " I asked to cashier. The cashier Said my order will be ready in 2 minutes .

" Hey babe come on let's go to my place and I'll rock your world " ugh this cheap guy is still here .

" Well no thank you I don't need tampons " I said loudly so that his friends can also hear . He look baffled and the whole cafeteria laughed at him . I turned around and see my food is ready ahh thank god now I can leave .

I picked my food and went to find a quite place . I found just perfect place emergency exit no one come here . I sat and had my food I was tasty but no one can make better than my brother Sam .

I heard the door open and I saw Akash there his eyes were red with anger . Oh shit Nandini you are so dead today I though .

"You humiliated me in front of the whole College , my friends you are so going to pay for it " before I could run he caught me and crash me to the wall . I hurt like hell . He started kissing me , I struggled to push him away but he was so much stronger than me . I wish I had taken karate classes with my brothers .

I bit him and try to run but again him caught up with me . He slapped me across my face  . My leg slipped and I tripped and rolled from the stairs . I tried to open my eyes and saw soft and concerned brown eyes trying to say something to me . But black spots covered my vision and I lost consciousness.

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