The End

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A/N. Hey, guys! Sad to say, but this is the last chapter. So sorry that it took so long to get this out! Kind of had a bit of writer's block.  Also, I put a gif and a picture in this one just because I thought both were appropriate for this last chapter, and I couldn't decide on one of them. Anyway, I have really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it. This was a small story that I wanted to write because I was itching to write something, and I had this story as an idea for a while. Anyway, hoped you all enjoyed this story. Last A/N is at the bottom. Now read! :-) -Anna

Y/n- Your name

L/n- Last name

N/n- Nickname

M/n- Mom's name


 It didn't take long to find Silver and Morph where the last longboat was kept. Morph was chittering about as Silver was working on releasing the longboat.

"Morphy, we gotta make tracks," Silver told the blob.

"You never quit, do you?" Jim questioned, leaning against a wall with you standing beside him, hands on your hips.

"Ah, Jimbo, N/n!" Silver faked a laugh as he loosely retied the rope to from the boat to the cleat. "I was merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure."

You hummed in thought, and kneeled down next to Silver, retying the rope they way Silver taught you to the cleat securely. "Well, that should hold it." You were proud of the one rope you could tie by yourself.

Silver just chuckled as he and you stood. "I taught you too well."

You shrugged. "Jim helped, too. I would have been useless without either of you."

You were pretty sure you saw a faint pink on Jim's cheeks.

Silver smiled a bit. "Well, if you don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison. Little Morphy here, he's a free spirit." Morph zipped around Silver's head to demonstrate. Silver then curled his mechanical fingers around Morph, imitating a prison. "Being in a cage, it'd break his heart.

 Morph squeaked sorrowfully, melting into a pink mush pile. You and Jim just looked at him with kind faces. You had already forgiven him for his betrayal after he gave up the treasure to save you and Jim. Now, all you wanted was an explanation. Silver gave you two a smile, and you two mirrored it. Jim then pulled down the lever, opening the hatch to let the longboat go free as you untied the rope from the cleat. 

"Silver?" you softly said, taking your father's watch off of your wrist and holding it up. "My father...was he really...?"

 Silver nodded, but had a small smile on his face. "He was the only golden hearted pirate I have ever met. You should be glad to know that he never hurt a soul, never killed anyone, and did everything for his precious daughter and wife. Nobody was as tender hearted as he."

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