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Hello, people of Wattpad! Welcome to my first-ish reader insert story! I hope you enjoy it! If you haven't guessed by now, this story is based off of the 2002 Disney movie, Treasure Planet. If you haven't watched the movie, I highly suggest you watch it. Not only so you you'll have some of an idea how this story will play out, but because it's just an awesome underrated movie. As I write this, I will also be the same story on my Quotev account, so that'll probably by why I'll have slow updates if I do, besides school. Last thing is I'm trying to get used to writing reader inserts, so if something seems weird or wrong, please go easy on me. That's all I've got, so now enjoy! -Anna

 Y/n- Your name

M/n- Middle name

L/n- Last name

I will put these at the top for the chapters to let you all know what's going to be used in the chapter, so keep your eye on them! Some might change. Now read!


"On the clearest of nights when the wind of the Etherium were calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships with their cargos of Arcturian sura crystals felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were pursued by...pirates. And the most feared of all these pirates, was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint."

 Your best friend, Jim Hawkins, held the book closer to the two of you as you watched the scene unfold. The two of you laid in the dark as the narrator told the story, the book being the only thing illuminating Jim's room. You two weren't supposed to be up, but it was a sleepover so you two decided to say up as late as you could without getting caught.

 "Fire!" Flint shouted to his crew.

 The crew did as they were told, setting off the cannons as the ship flew around the large merchant ship. The pirate ship faced the crew of the merchant one, as they stared at each other with laser pistols already being fired.

 "Like a Candarian zap-wing overtaking its prey-"

 Suddenly, the door to Jim's bedroom opened, flooding light into the dark room. "James Pleiades Hawkins and Y/n M/n L/n," a familiar woman's voice said sternly. 

 Jim quickly shut the book and placed it down, putting his head in his hands with a sheepish look while you looked downright guilty.

 "I thought you two were asleep an hour ago," Jim's mother, Sarah, said to you two in her pink nightgown.

 "Mom, we were just getting to the best part," Jim whined, crawling back to his pillow and grabbed his book.

 Sarah looked at you. "Your mother expected you to be asleep by your bedtime."

 "She doesn't have to know, right?" you said, glancing at her with a hopeful look, wanting to finish the story.

 "Please?" Jim begged, hugging the book to his chest with big eyes. You looked at Sarah with the same look.

 "Oh, can those eyes get any bigger?" Sarah questioned. "Scootch over."

 You and Jim made room on the bed for Sarah to climb on. Jim opened the book, and the narrator continued the story, as did the moving pictures of the book.

 "-like a Candarian zap-wing overtaking its prey, Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere. And then, gathering up their spoils, vanished without a trace."

 "Ooh!" the three of you said. Jim flipped the page.

 "Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Stowed with riches beyond imagination- the loot of a thousand worlds."

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