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A/N. So...I should be studying for my last final, but I really wanted to get another update out's another chapter! Enjoy you guys -Anna

Y/n- Your name

N/n- Nickname

P.S. Again, warning for extreme cheesiness. Also, this one is the longest chapter I've written for this story.


 The sun had set, and your group hadn't moved from BEN's place. None of you knew what to do next. With Amelia immobilized and the pirates camping not far from your safe spot, you couldn't think of much. Silver wanted the map, but you all knew that you weren't going to give it to him. The only thing saving your group was the fact that Silver thought that Jim still had the map, when it was really still on the ship. Silver only wanted to spare you so he could get the map.

 Speaking of the pirate, your gut twisted at the very thought of him. The lie he spat at you hurt almost more than his betrayal. To think that Silver would go so low as to insult your father. Then again, Silver was a pirate. And they stole. And cheated. And lied. It wasn't that surprising now that you thought of it. But something still bothered you.

 How else could he have gotten this trinket? Silver had questioned you as he waved your spyglass just out of your reach.

 You never knew what your dad did for a job. You just knew your father went on a lot of trips. You weren't even sure if your mother knew what your father did. If he was a pirate, it would make sense how he could get all the little gifts he gave you. Your family was never rich, not living in luxury, though you weren't poor either. Not until your father left and your mother got sick.


 Jim's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to see his worried face looking at you.

 "Wh-what? What is it?" you asked, now alert at his expression.

 Jim frowned. "Nothing. But...are you okay?"

 You looked down. "No..."

 Jim placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Silver's getting into your head. Don't let him. Your father was a good man. You and I know that. He couldn't have been a pirate."

 "But pirates lie," you said quietly. You slowly looked back up at Jim. "Did he lie to me all my life?"

 "You heard Silver, Y/n. He said that he died doing something for you. Even if it was a lie, it does sound like your father. A pirate wouldn't do that, they would only look out for themselves," Jim tried to reassure.

 "But that also means that Silver had to know my father to know that," you countered, snapping slightly. You pursed your lips once you finished your sentence, and saw Jim's shocked face. "I'm sorry."

 "You have nothing to be sorry for," Jim said, squeezing your shoulder. "You're upset. Just try not to let him get to you."

 You patted the empty spot at your hip, and muttered, "But why does he want it...?"

 "Gentlemen, lady," Amelia's voice brought you two back to her and Delbert, "we must stay together and...and...ohh."

 "And what? What?! We must stay together and what?!" Delbert shouted at the female, whipping off his glasses to stare at her intently.

 "Doctor," Amelia said slowly, "you have wonderful eyes."

 "She's lost her mind!" Delbert declared.

 "Well, you gotta help her," Jim said.

 "Can't you do something?" you asked worriedly. 

 "Dang it, Jim, Y/n, I'm an astronomer, not a doctor," Delbert said, spinning around to face you two. "I mean, I am a doctor, but I'm not that kind of doctor. I have a doctorate. It's not the same thing. You can't help people with a doctorate. You just sit there, and you're useless."

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