Chapter 4- Wind Tribe

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The guards of course chase after him. The others took this chances to escape from the castle. "You just go ahead. I'll be back later. I promise."Rika said, asking permission from Yona. Yona gave her a nod.

Rika then ran back to the castle. 'Min-Soo..I will not let you work with Soo-Won.'She thought.
Rika ran to where Min-Soo was and saw him shot by an arrow. The guards soon found out that they had been tricked.

Rika sneaked up behind the guards and attack them all at once. She carried Min-Soo and ran outside of the castle, united with Hak and the others.


[Hak's POV]

"How's Min-Soo?"I asked. We are resting somewhere before continue our walk to Wind Tribe Village. "His breathing is normal...for now though.If his wound didn't get any treatment soon, it will get infected."Asuka said, checking his pulse.

Darn it, Soo-Won..!

When I look over to Yona, she was sleeping against a tree. While Rika, she's keeping watch for enemies. "Fa...ther..."Yona sleep talking in her sleep. I lean against the tree near Yona to rest as well. I caress Yona's cheek,"Yona-hime, you can rely on me, Asuka and Rika. You can use us as a tool to survive."

"You're sure?"Asuka,who was listening, asked. "Yes. I will sacrifice everything for her.. if that could make her happy.."
Asuka stayed silent for a while then spoke,"Hak, what if you have the power to travel to the past, what will you do? And what if you wanted to change the future but you didn't succeed?"
"What's with that weird questions?"I asked. She sat down against another tree,"Nothing. Forget it."

I sighed,"If I have that kind of power, I would stop Soo-Won from murdering King II. I will turn the time back again and again and again until I succeed."I continued,"Does that answer your question?"
Asuka smiled and nodded.

Hm? Wait a sec.. Didn't Asuka asked this kind of question before?

"Hey Asuka, have you asked this question before?"I asked. "No. This is the first time I ask."She said. "Is that so..."

Weird... But, oh well.

[No one's POV]

"Yona-hime, are you okay?"Asuka asked in concerned as she carried Yona while Rika carried Min-Soo. "You should give Min-Soo and Yona-hime to me."Hak suggested. "We can manage."Rika said.

Hak sighed and started to lead the way as the others follow.


"Yona-hime, you should eat."Hak gave a fish to Yona but she just stared at it. She reached her hand to her pocket and began to panic. Asuka and Rika knew the reason from the start but kept silent.

"I'm..."Yona began to speak,"I'm going to take a walk over there...!" She then left. Asuka and Rika looked at Hak,"You're not going?" Both of them say at the same time. Hak stood up and gave them a 'You don't have to tell me' look.

A few minutes later, both Yona and Hak returned. However, Hak's arm were bitten by a snake. He laid Yona down on the ground. "Your arm.."Yona looked concerned. "Didn't I told you that I'm immune to poison?"

'No, you didn't.'Yona thought in her head.

'Probably over a million times already.'Asuka and Rika thought.

"Here."Asuka gave Hak a medicine. Hak took it,"Isn't this the Wind Tribe medicine?" "Yes, it is. But King II gave them to me."She lied. But Hak gave her a glare,"You're lying."

"Whatever the reason are, if you want to live, if you want to protect Yona-hime for the rest of your life, then take it."Asuka replied back.
Hak then ate the medicine without complaint.

Rika then looked at Min-Soo, who was sleeping on the floor,"He shows no sign of waking up, but he's still breathing.."

[The next day]

This is the day where they finally arrived at the Wind Tribe Village. As soon as they saw Hak, the villagers surrounded five of them. They began to ask many questions.

Suddenly, Yona collapsed on the ground. Hak react quickly,"Bring her to an inn quickly! With the guy who was injured!"

Rika laid Min-Soo down next to Yona's room. She was informed that Min-Soo had been poisoned, so he won't be awake until the next day.

When Rika left the room, she saw Asuka standing at the hallway. "Where's Hak?"Rika asked. "Keeping an eye on Rina." "Rina? Ohhh...."Rika understood what she said.

"Some are new."Asuka said. "What?" "Rescuing Min-Soo is new to us." "Ohh. Yes."Rika agreed. "I hate the part where we have to fall from the cliff...again."Asuka put her hand at her head, making an irritated expression.

"Can't be help."Rika said,"We have to go to the river now, the water will eventually dry up." Asuka stayed silent and walked pass Rika, heading outside.

Asuka was the first one who got there. As soon as Rika reached the river, at a few distance away, she saw 3 mens from another village lying down on the ground, unconscious.

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