
That was Jungkook's heart. Exploding.

He didn't know what to do; Jimin was so close and he wanted to, but then, and what if—?

Jungkook slid his arm around Jimin and held him close, ignoring the battle of his thoughts inside his head. He heard Jimin sigh in what he hoped was content and Jungkook prayed Jimin couldn't hear how fast his heart was beating.

Part from fear. Part from exhilaration at trying to do something he had always been afraid of. And part something else that was an entirely different beast to tackle.

It wasn't a monster though, not like it normally was. Plus, it kept all of his thoughts at bay.

Jungkook was warm. He found that he often felt like this around Jimin whether it was texting, a phone call, or seeing him in person. So right now, even as events of the night were weighing on him, he didn't feel cold. Hollowed.....Maybe. But not cold, not alone.

Jungkook settled further down into the bed, wrapping his other arm around Jimin. He was looking down at him, at that fluffy orange hair with a small smile, the movie pushed so far back into his mind.

Next thing Jungkook knew, his eyes were drifting shut, exhaustion finally hitting him, and he fell asleep with Park Jimin in his arms.


"Shh," the voice came through as if Jungkook were underwater. "Shh!"

"Get the picture."

"No what, how did you—"

"I don't know."

"God dam—"


Something stirred in the bed, shifting weight, nuzzling into Jungkook's neck. His eyes fluttered open, still heavy with sleep, and the first thing he noticed was the television. It was still on.

Then he noticed the three boys standing in the doorway, one with their phone out the other holding a broken one.

"Jin...?" Jungkook's voice was groggy, nothing more than a groan.

His eyes widened. "Shit, Namjoon run!"

All that Jungkook saw was a pink streak. Namjoon followed just as fast.

"What about me?" Hoseok cried as he scrambled out the door behind the two.

Jungkook's eyebrows drew together as he lifted his head, but he quickly let it fall against the pillow, too tired. His exhaustion still ran bone deep, and he was warm, comfortable.

Maybe just five more minutes....


It was a lot longer than five minutes. When Jungkook's eyes opened, slowly, sluggishly, there wasn't any light streaming into the room from the window. It took his brain several long seconds to realize that the curtains had been drawn shut, which they weren't last night.

Last night.

Jungkook sighed as he draped his free arm across his face, covering his eyes. Think about it later...

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