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Jimin's POV

"Are you sure they'll be fine?" Jimin asked, nervously fidgeting with his silver ring. He had just forced Taehyung into sleeping in Jungkook's room, with the help of his friends, of course. Jimin could just feel something between the two, and there was definite fear in Jungkook's eyes when he looked at Taehyung.

Friendships weren't supposed to be like that.

"They'll be fine." Yoongi said with a wave of his hand. They were still sitting at the kitchen table, but the laptop was shut and they weren't working. It was just past midnight, but none of them felt particularly tired.

"It'll turn out okay." Namjoon said. Jimin still felt a heavy sort of dread. "Don't worry too much."

That was the last thing that was said to Jimin before he was sent off to some stay-in house-like treatment. That did not turn out well, so the fact that the words were repeated here made him nervous. He just wanted Jungkook to have a healthy support group of friends; he wanted to be in that support group.

He needed Jungkook.

He needed to feel needed, wanted, appreciated.  He desired it. He craved it.

"I think they'll struggle a bit," Hoseok said, drumming the table with his long fingers, "but they'll come around. They've known each other their entire lives; Taehyung absolutely adores him. It'll be fine."

Once again, that damned statement. It'll be fine. But Hoseok was right. They were childhood friends. They'll figure it out, right?

"Okay," Jimin said, letting out a breath. "Okay. I will kick Taehyung's ass if he continues to be like this though."

"It is infuriating." Namjoon said. "But, from what I've heard, Jungkook hides a lot."

"But sometimes people don't realize they're hiding things," Hoseok said, "sometimes it's just hard to say. Like with me in high school."

"God, that was hell. You never spoke!" Namjoon said, nearly groaning.

"I turned out just fine though." Hoseok let out a light laugh. "Have a little faith in Jungkook."

Namjoon shook his head. "I just want to help the kid. Ever since Taehyung started talking about him, I've wanted to help because he reminds me so much of all these parts of us."

When Taehyung had started talking about Jungkook, Jimin knew he wanted to meet him. The way he described him—it was as if he were a proud mom.  He painted Jungkook to be someone passionate, brave, and talented. Then things went bitter, sour, and the praises turned to harsh judgements and cruel criticisms. But despite Taehyung critiquing Jungkook's every flaw, Jimin had still wanted to meet him.

And he had. He had met Jeon Jungkook, the artist who could never quite tell a whole truth.

"If all else fails, we can make him live with Jin for a month." Yoongi said, but his eyes looked as though they were getting heavy. They were bloodshot, and a yawn escaped his lips.

"He'd leave because of the endless jokes and weird experiments with food." Namjoon said, "Trust me."

Yoongi groaned. "The jokes. Oh my god."

"I kind of like them." Jimin said, but his mind wasn't on the jokes. It was on the boy upstairs. It was on the album. It was on the food that was setting heavily on his stomach.

"You're weird." Yoongi said.

"Yeah." Jimin said. "I am, but I don't really care."

"That makes you an anomaly." Namjoon said.

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