F.A.C.E headcanons (Mostly France and Canada)

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When Francis and Mattie go out Francis will present Mattie the way Will Smith presents his son.

They're also the same way Alfred and Arthur are but they do it when no one's around.

Because he was raised by Francis, Mattie is more perverted than Alfred. With war and other things, Mattie might be innocent, but when it comes to sex his papa taught him everything he knows where as Arthur taught Alfred next to nothing about the topic.

While other nation families are susceptible to feuds and angst, Francis, Mattie and Michelle (Seychelles) have the most stable and trusting family out of all of them.

At every world meeting as soon as Francis arrives Alfred shouts "Here come dat boi" and Mattie follows with "Oh shit waddup"

When Alfred and Matthew were younger they tried to switch places to confuse Arthur and Francis... Sadly it never worked.

Francis has always been the one to notice Matthew. He's also the one to talk Mattie out of suicide. Francis has always, no matter what, been there for Mattie and a will continue to do so.

As a small child, Mattie always believed that Francis and Arthur were in love. He thought it was sweet when they kissed... Alfred on the other hand thought it was gross.

For almost five years after WWII, Mattie called Francis weekly to make sure he was healing and recovering properly.

Both Alfred and Matthew are virgins... Mattie is afraid of any sexual actions and Alfred doesn't know the proper use of a penis is.

Whenever Mattie sees Quebec and Ontario bicker he smiles because it reminds him of Arthur and Francis.

Arthur only pretends to forget Mattie. He thinks he's protecting him and if Mattie never loves him and clings harder to Francis then he's okay with that. Even though he could love the boy more than the Frenchman could.

Alfred honestly cares about Mattie as his brother and his best friend. He feels more guilty than anyone else for overlooking Mattie

They have a family movie night every other month. Usually Alfred picks the movie, while Arthur points out everything he hates about it, while Francis snickers at Arthur and Alfred's fighting and Mattie tries to enjoy the movie but they wouldn't have it any other way.

Alfred and Matthew always take vacations together, as it's a tradition for them. Every summer, they travel across both their countries in a big road trip. They always celebrate their birthdays in the respective nation's country.

When Mattie gets mad he'll start speaking French.

After Arthur took him from Francis, he changed the spelling of his name from 'Matthieu' to 'Matthew' After 1867, Mattie changed the spelling back.

Whenever Francis really missed Mattie, he smokes to remind himself of the smell that came from the chimney in the cabin Mattie lived in when he was little.

Nations take on traits of anyone who found them when they were 'young' no matter how long or little they were involved. For example, Alfred was found by Arthur and Francis, yes, but he was also found by Berwald and Tino. Hence why Alfred being so tall and glasses (Berwald) and why he smiles so much (Tino).   

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