Native America Headcanons

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Alfred still feels Native America's warmth and he misses her greatly. He can also sometimes hear her... She calls his name in a language he was forced to forget. 

He gets his love of archery from her as well. Native America taught him all he knows about archery, how to use a bow and arrow and how to make them when he was young. Of course he still practices when he has time too.

Alfie's skin also keeps a tan even in the dead of winter. Some think it makes him attractive while to him... it reminds him of his mother and upsets him.

As for Matthew... Well, he's gentle and cautious and forgotten like she was.

Also between Francis and Arthur, she liked Francis much more... to her Arthur was an asshole that wanted her land. Her and Arthur weren't good friends... let alone lovers. 

When Alfred was small Native America told him to befriend the other nations that had arrived on their land. She told him that they would be come his greatest allies and closest friends. She knew by doing this would signify his birth as a country and her death but all her dying wish was for him was happiness.

Berwald is Alfred's father. He can't prove it and is too scared to ask. It would mean that Berwald abandoned his pregnant mother. Now he can only watch and wonder in a state of question.... "Why? Why did he abandon my mother?"

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