Chapter Sixteen

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WE BARELY SPOKE ON the way to Sandler. I couldn't stomach hearing any answers to the questions I had. Once we pulled up to the River's End Inn, I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry you fell for his lies," said Officer Jackson. "That boy—that boy is bad news."

I nodded. "Thank you. Also, I'm sorry for slamming the door on you."

He laughed. "I've experienced a lot worse."

We got out of the car and gathered my belongings. Officer Jackson helped me to the front desk. After I checked in, he picked up as much as he could and followed me to my room.

"Thank you," I said, "for everything."

Officer Jackson nodded. "I'm just glad you're safe."

"Me too..."

He looked around the room. "You checking out first thing in the morning?"

"I'm going to have my car towed to a shop here in town in the morning. Hopefully they have the part I need so I'll be able to head home by the afternoon."

"Well, you have my number. Do not hesitate to call. And, Claudia, if that man tries to contact you, just hang up and call nine-one-one."

"Yes, sir."

Officer Jackson gave me a hug before he left. "You're safe now. I'll keep an eye on your place. If I catch him on your property, there will be consequences."

"Thank you."

"Goodnight, Claudia."

I closed the door behind the police officer. After securing the deadbolt and the lock with the chain, I walked over to the bed and collapsed. Tears streamed down my cheeks, burning my raw skin.

How could I have been so wrong about him?


THE MORNING LIGHT TRICKLED in through the curtains. My eyes were sore and swollen from the crying I had done the night before. I slowly sat up and looked over at my backpack. I couldn't bring myself to look at the file again. Tapping the screen of my cracked cell phone, I checked the time. The screen read seven o'clock.

Better get ready. The sooner I can get out of here, the better.

I stripped down and headed to the shower. The piping-hot water temporarily washed away the painful memories and distracted me from the terrible decisions I had made over the last few days.

Close to twenty minutes later, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a white towel. I waited for the foggy mirror to clear. Where's that medicine? I rummaged through my makeup case and found it. After I applied the medicine, I brushed my hair and went to pick out a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt.

What were you thinking getting that close with a complete stranger? What if he attacked you? Who would have reported you missing?

I berated myself for the rest of the time I spent getting ready. Finally, sick of my thoughts, I picked up the phone and called the front desk. The desk clerk gave me the names and numbers of a towing service company and a nearby mechanic. The mechanic assured me he had the parts I needed, and the tow truck driver hadn't been called out on another job yet. I could get out of there soon.

I finished speaking with them and looked down at my phone. Colton had my phone number. What would he do once he found those tapes? Is he going to freak out? Is he going to try to hurt me?

Shaking my head, I tried to push his face out of my mind.


THREE HOURS LATER, I thanked the mechanic and gave him my credit card. After I signed the receipt, I got in the car and started to drive south.

I had just passed county limits when my phone buzzed. Don't look. It's probably him. I turned my phone over and tossed it into the passenger's seat. Just get away from here as quickly as possible.

An hour later, my phone buzzed again. Twice this time. I continued to ignore it.

My stomach growled a short time later. I was hungry, but I wasn't sure if I was far enough away. I drove for another thirty minutes and stopped in a town the next county over, grabbing a stick of gum to ward off the hunger.

Subway? That will work, I told myself as I exited the highway.

I watched cars drive in and out of the parking lot from a small booth by the window. Old pickup trucks and the occasional SUV. Just as long as I don't see Colton's red truck.

I finished my lunch and threw away the garbage. It was time to get back on the road.

As I climbed back in my car, my phone buzzed again. Unable to stop myself, I pressed the home button and entered my password. I had three missed calls and four text messages.

Hope you're feeling better. I stopped by the store and picked you up some soup. Can I stop over and bring it to you?

Missed call number one.

You up yet? How's your stomach?

Missed call number two.

Claudia, is everything okay? Call me so I know you're okay, okay?

Missed call number three.

I'm worried about you. I'm going to stop by in a few minutes.

I checked the time he sent the last message. Only five minutes had passed.

Not good. I put my phone in one of the cup holders and faced the screen the opposite way. Screw it, I thought, picking it back up. I held down the button on the side and then swiped my finger across the top, turning the phone off.

The rest of the trip home went painfully slow. Colton's smile and dimples kept popping up in my mind, as did the picture of his younger sister. Her expression turned my blood to ice. Who could have hurt such a sweet and innocent girl?

I thought about the people who had stuck up for Colton. The girl at the diner and the doctor. What's wrong with them? Did his mother lie to her best friend? Does the doctor really think that Colton is a good guy?

Questions continued to race through my head as I pulled up to the house I rented with two other girls.

Well, Claudia, you've learned your lesson. Now never, ever, make the same mistake again.



What. Just. Happened. 

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Hearts and Daggers,

Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

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