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Chapter Sixteen:

Aries has to admit, she did not expect Betty the Tiger to bite Sebastian.

When she saw him step forward during Beast's performance, she had assumed he was carrying out some scheme Ciel had thought up. When she saw the look of confusion, and then shock, on his face definitely told her that that was not planned at all.

Aries was trying desperately not to laugh when she saw Ciel's look of horror as Sebastian began to caress the tiger. While everyone else was standing and staring, she had to turn away so covering her mouth in order to not make a sound.

"Are you alright, asks Wilson?" Snake asked, approaching Aries.

"Yeah, Scales," Aries grinned, patting his shoulder. Snake nearly jumped ― he always did when she voluntarily touched him. Nobody in the circus, or in general, ever did. So, Aries decided to be as handsy as possible when around him, "Just... Amused, don't worry."

"His name is Snake, not Scales, says Wilson,"  Snake said.

Aries gave him an amused grin and rubbed his shoulder. "I'm sure," she said, and began to walk away.


Aries whistled as she walked through the Circus' tents, and stopped when she noticed a familiar person.

Sebastian caught her eyes as well. He was walking alone, and Aries knew he wanted answers. So, she did the best thing she could do.

Aries ran, dodging through tents, and slipped underneath the side of one particularly big one. It was the training tent, but it was dark and none of the training material were out. Aries his behind the knife target, slowing her breath.

"I know you're in here, Aries," Sebastian's familiar voice rang out as he glanced around the darkened tent. "And, I'll get answers from you. . . one way or another." Aries stayed still, her eyes spotting a discarded knife on the ground. She picked it up and used the reflection to see behind her.

Aries nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Sebastian far too close for her liking. Aries threw the knife at him, and he caught it easily. Then, she slipped underneath the side and stepped back into the open.

Aries saw a man walking down the path and recognized her chance.

When Sebastian came out a few seconds after her, he found staring down the blade of William Spears which was pointed at his neck. Sebastian looked at him, and saw Aries 'cowering' behind him, but the evident smirk was plain on her features.

"Yes sir," Aries said in her faux american accent. "It was him who was chasing after me!"

"... I see," William murmured. "And, what exactly were you trying to do to this young lady?"

"She is a run away from our manor," Sebastian said plainly. "I was simply hoping to bring her back."

Spears did not look convinced at all. "Well... As long as he is in proper hands, I guess I'll go," Aries turned and bowed to Sebastian --- the same bow she did at Viscount Druitt, Aleister Chamber banquet the previous summer. Sebastian was not pleased at all.

Aries skipped away, feeling as if she narrowly dodged a bullet.


Aries was not at all pleased when she saw both Ciel and Sebastian the next morning. In fact, as soon as she saw Sebastian she turned and began to quickly walk away. Sebastian noticed her, but didn't chase her like he did the night before.

Aries decided to go back to the mess hall, grabbing a small crab apple to bite. “Aren’t you going to greet the newcomers, asked Wordsworth?” Aries turned and then grinned at Snake.

The Interesting Adventures of Aries ~ Black Butler ~Where stories live. Discover now