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Chapter Three:

Aries giggled, bouncing in up and down in her seat, "Ooo~ we're in the city, finally! Ciel~ let's play deductions!"

"The carriage is moving far to quickly to analyze someone," Ciel answered, leaning on his hand, staring out the window in boredom.

"No it's not! See, that man right there; he's cheating on his wife!" She said, pointing to a rather large man walking down the side walk. "And that lady, she's a prostitute! In fact, she's looking for someone right now! Okay, your turn!"

Ciel rolled his singular visible eye, but glanced out the window anyway, "He drank tea this morning; he has a stain on his collar."

"Coffee, but close. If it was tea, it would have been a lighter stain. Besides, that stain is old; probably a week or more. He's self-conscious of it, and tries to hide it." Finally, the carriage came to a halt, and Sebastian helped the two out of the carriage.

"Oh, that lady is getting a divorce! And that one is pregnant!" She exclaimed loudly, making several heads turn her way. "Oops, not her husband's spawn, hehe~..." The two woman she pointed out glared at her, huffed, and walked away faster.

"Please keep your deductions to yourself when we are in public, Aries," Ciel sighed, but she merely grinned, following them into the building.

The shopkeeper gave Ciel a bright smile, showing off all his yellow and wooden teeth. "Hello boy! You running an errand for your father?" Ciel frowned, glaring at the man.

Then. Sebastian stepped forward, "Excuse me, we came to get Master's cane," he explained, with a smile — a fake smile — holding up a slip of paper.

The man took the paper, skimming it over, "Oh, so you're the owner of this cane!" He laughed, handing it over, "Exactly what sort of person do you intend to use this came? Surely it couldn't be that kid...?" In a matter of seconds, Sebastian had the butt of the cane in-between the man's eyes.

"It doesn't bend. This is a well build cane," Sebastian praised, tossing a bag of coins on the man's desk. "That should cover it."

The man sat there, staring, as Ciel promptly exited the room.

Aries stayed behind, staring at the man as he held his chest, trying to calm his heartbeat. "What do you want, girl?!" He demanded.

"You're going to have a stroke," Aries smiled, then left the room. Before he could answer, he felt his chest constrict. Aries giggled darkly, shutting the door.


"Humph. Finnian's is another bothersome thing," Ciel complained snottily, "Thanks to that I got stuck with a new one!"

"Indeed," Sebastian agreed, "It is true that you grew, but it did take time." Sebastian glanced behind him, "You have been uncharacteristically silent."

"Well, it's no fun playing deductions by yourself silently," she huffed. "Who's going to say that that woman right there isn't in a happy marriage and wants a divorce!? Or that that man is abusive!?"

"Keep your deductions to yourself," Ciel reminded, irritated . "Nobody wants to know their private life exploited to the world."

"But it's fun~!" Aries argued. "Hey, Sebastian, where are we going?"

"To Miss Nina's to get your measurements for a maid's dress," He answered.

She tsk'd, "Boring~, let's go do something fun!"

The Interesting Adventures of Aries ~ Black Butler ~Where stories live. Discover now