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Chapter Twelve:

Aries sat in her room, staring at the ceiling in silence. Then, her door opened, and Mey-Rin came in. "Aries? Seb--Sebastian sent me to ch--check on you. A--Are you alright?"

Aries was silent for a few moments, then she sat up straight. Mey-Rin squealed in surprise, but Aries had a grin on her face. "Mey-Rin! Great timing! I need you for a project. Do you mind being tied up?"




Sebastian began to get suspicious after he sent Mey-Rin to check on Aries three hours ago and still had no response. It was well after dinner, and Mey-Rin helped prepare it, but Aries was no where to be seen.

Once he came to her door, he knew something was wrong immediately. "Is that all?"

"Hmm... Yes, although I will need another sample of your hair," Aries replied.

"My hair?! How long will that take?"

"Not very long. But, I suggest resting though. If you lose too much blood, you'll likely faint."

Sebastian opened her door to see Mey-Rin leaning against the pillar to Aries' bed, her arm was bandaged lightly, and a few inches of her hair was missing.

When the woman realized that it was Sebastian, she sat up straight immediately, a blush rising on her face. "M--Mr. Seb--Sebastian! I--I can explain!"

"There is no need," Sebastian said, "It is late. Go rest for the night. We need to be up early tomorrow."

"Y--Yes sir!" She said, then scurried out of the room.

Aries pressed her lips in a straight line, "She's going to fall..." She muttered and a second later, there was shout of alarm and a thud.

"I--I am okay!" She called from the hall, and continued to leave.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian demanded, closing her door. Aries dropped the hair she had collected in a bag. Then, she grabbed a vial with red hair inside it. She used that and mixed it in a jar that was already a thick blood red.

"Nothing important, don't worry~," she giggled, closing the lid on it and shaking it up. "So, do you mind me taking a bit of your blood?"


"An experiment. It'll only be a little~." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, and Aries sighed, knowing she wasn't going to get anywhere like this. "Fine. But if I tell you, you can't say anything to Ciel!"

"I make no promises."

Aries groaned, "Alright! I'm warding away hellhounds."

Sebastian gave her a strange look, "... Why?"

"Why not?" Aries challenged with a huff, "Who wants big, demon mutts at your doorstep?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "And why did you need Mey-Rin's blood for that?"

"Blood of a virgin," She shrugged. "Hair of an adulterer. Her hair was for some other experiment in the future."

The Interesting Adventures of Aries ~ Black Butler ~Where stories live. Discover now