Thirty Four- Nose Bleed.

Start from the beginning

"How london treating you?" I asked in an over the top posh British accent.

"It's treating me fabulously darling. I mean, the rain is just ravishing, even at one o'clock in the morning." She replied, matching my accent and taking her laptop to the window to show me the rain.

"Oh shoot, sorry. I forgot about the time difference. It's only eight in the evening here in New York!"

"Ah, no worries. You've saved me from revision that I was hoping to get out of anyway. So, life in New York huh, how is it?"

"Fine I guess, I haven't really seen much of New York, or anything for that matter. We'll, unless you count out the four walls of my apartment." I sighed as I rolled into my front and rested me chin on my hands.

Harper narrowed her eyes at me and her eyebrows did the little twitchy thing that they do when she gets angry, "Are you kidding me?" She yelled slightly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Don't you get it? Yes, it sucks you have cancer. Yes, it sucks that you feel like crap. But do you know what doesn't suck? It doesn't suck that your not dying. And you could of been. You could of been told you had a month left. But you have a life and, your not living it! What's the point. Go out, see the world. Your in fricking New York for Christ sake. Go an live!"

"Wow, Harper that was.. Good. Thank you, I needed that." I replied sincerely, a little taken back by the honesty in her words.

"Thanks, I'm quite proud of myself." She grinned as she fake dusted of she shoulders.

"I'm going to start living, I promise. I will start tomorrow."

She laughed her famous Harper high pitched laugh, longer than normal. The conversation lasted for a good hour until she got tired and decided to call it a night.

The loneliness started to creep back in and the pain started to heighten, which I decided was my cue to hit the hay. I switched of my laptop, slipped the spare key which Renee always forgot to take under the plant pot outside the apartment, then hobbled upstairs and dived into bed.

Eventually my mind drifted and I slowly slipped into dark waves and got carried gently into a deep and well needed sleep.


The jaws music blasted through the apartment and my phone vibrated like crazy. I shot up, confused as to where I was and why I was awake. I pulled my alarm clock around and saw the time.

I groaned and flopped back down in bed. There was no way anyone was going to speak to me at two thirty in the morning. Whoever it was could wait, preferably until a time that allowed me to string an understandable sentence together.

The phone stopped buzzing eventually and I shut my eyes as I wedged myself further under the covers.

But, life hates me ninety five percent of the time, so as soon as my dream that consisted of Leonardo DiCaprio, me and a beach started up, my phone dragged me conscious again kicking and screaming.

"Are you freaking kidding me!" I yelled, "This better be so important that the president of the United States requires my assistance."

"Erm, hi. Is this Rhiannon?" A male voice that I didn't recognise asked after my outburst.

I scrunched up my eyebrows and pulled the phone away from my ear, squinting

at the called I.D. It was Logan's, but I knew for a fact that voice didn't belong to Logan.

"Are you there?"

"Yes," I sighed heavily, "I'm Rhiannon, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry to call you at this time ma'am. But I have your friend Logan here, passed out. You were top of his recent calls and I didn't know what else to do. I need to close the bar, and he won't go home. Could you maybe, come and get him?" The thick american accent asked.

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