Chapter 13, Gross

Start from the beginning

I blush. "Don't touch me."

"Won't again," he murmurs, biting his lower lip so he won't smile too large.

As we get to my floor, I walk the hallways for what might be the last in my life. Pursing my painted lips, I feel Yoongi's eyes on me quite often while walking alongside him. We keep our hands off each other, along with large gaps of distance that separate our bodies.

As I near the last corner and get to my door, my body freezes. I stop in my tracks so fast, causing Yoongi to slam into my back, stumble back, and curse. Before he can yell at me, I tap the top of his chest with my knuckle and point childishly over to a figure that stands waiting by my apartment.

I don't have to see Yoongi's face to know that he looks mortified. I can sense this fear from the way his breath hitches as we stumble to hide by the corner again, taking a moment breather to talk to one another.

"I can't do this," my eyes sting, my heart falling to my stomach.

Yoongi looks at me slow. "Yes, you can..."

I shake my head, hands going to cover my lips lazily as I create a shield around me. "I really can't, I can't. This is insane."

"In some cases, the fear one feels towards something can indicate that what they're doing is for the right...You know you gotta do this, one way or another."

"He was so happy when I told him about a possible divorce...when I told him we could be together. I can't make him sad again, I can't see him cry again." I shake my head, blinking back tears that Yoongi already starts to roll his eyes at.

"Why'd you come here if you're going to judge me for my tears?" I whisper-whine, shoving Yoongi's shoulder back.

"Fine, I'll leave," Yoongi mumbled bored, hands in his pockets as he moved to shift away.

I panicked. Shyly moving my hand to his arm, I pinched his fuzzy sleeve, feeling the warmth at my fingers. Cutely moving into him for some sort of support, my eyes were at his chest, feeling his hesitant breath by my cheek.

"You tryna kiss me for good luck?" I feel his breath more around me. It smells...interesting.

I purse my lips, trying not to smile at his jokes before shoving his shoulder lightly now. Struggling to move away from him, self-conscious and afraid, I stare at him and then over at the hallway that screams to be walked through.

"Want me to be honest?"

I nod, having trouble looking straight to Yoongi's eyes.

"He'll possibly cry, you'll definitely cry. The reactions can either stem from sadness and understanding, or anger. Be ready for both if it comes to." Yoongi steps towards me. I step backwards, not understanding the ways he works with his words and actions so confidently.

"No matter what he says, no matter how selfish your mind thinks...fight for what you know is right; and that is ending it for him. You don't want to hurt him anymore, nor should you continue hurting yourself."

I shut my eyes, breathing slow and easy. I'm trying to relax myself, so I can't see how soft Yoongi's expressions grow when I'm not looking. All I can view is his tones of voice that whisper, "We're married, and I know that means nothing to either of us...but it clearly brings complications that can be dreadful. You need to be smart for yourself."

I nod, listening before blurting, "Basically I'm being selfish in different context."

Yoongi chuckles. His breath hits my face again. I stop breathing for a second as he does. "Yes, that's basically what you're doing, putting yourself before anyone else."

"I just don't want to see him constantly heartbroken because of me."

Yoongi doesn't say anything to that. I didn't realize how devastated my voice came out, or how terribly weak I sounded just now, so the sudden silence from the man puzzles me when  my eyes open to catch him staring in emotions I don't comprehend.

"You've got this."

I purse my lips. Yoongi watches as I do, in awe from the way I move my mouth for a breath next. Narrowing my eyes, I try not to smile as I joke with a mimic, "You wanna kiss me for good luck?"

Yoongi licks his bottom lips slow.
My smile falls, playfulness gone.

Leaning over, my instantly shocked expression moves to horror as the man hits his nose with mine; my heels tripping back so I stumble to lean against the wall, with his legs tangling mine. With an escalation so fast, I harshly breathe right into his face and aim to push him off me.


Instead of going to my lips, Yoongi's smug-self arches to my ear. With a snort, he teases, "Gross," before slapping away from me with large steps back. Hands in his pockets, eyes lazy, he acts as if he hasn't pulled such a suggestive step.

Before I can even dare to comment, both Yoongi and our attentions are framed to a voice turning the corner we stand by. Heads snapping over, Yoongi's cocky exterior falters, my shocked expression sinks, and we're both gawking straight over at the man previously avoided.

"Wait..." Icarus looks between me, then he looks to Min Yoongi. With a nervous and pained laugh, his eyes search for answers when looking back to me, "W-What's going on?"

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