|Chapter 14| A painful dream.

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Grillby's POV:

When I was off in dreamland, I found myself seeing the events of the fox monster and Y/N. Only, Y/N couldn't get out of the fox's grip. When he reached for her the second time, I think every monster knew it wasn't a 'second kiss.' Truth be told, he was going to bite her. When a monster with animal traits, finds someone they like, more than likely, they would bite them to mark them as their own, and not anybody else's. 

I was sort of glad she didn't know, for that saves me a lot of questions, but then again, she could come to the conclusion that it was not another kiss that the fox was trying to do. Maybe she would confront me about the situation. But, I'm not sure if I have the guts to tell her what really happened. It's like telling a child where babies come from, and it makes you and the child very uncomfortable.

When I look back to my dream, I see the fox monster taking her away. Y/N gasps at the teeth mark in her dominant hand's shoulder, and this gives the fox monster time to kidnap her. All I could do was watch. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I could only see everybody's eyes on the two, then to me.

They then bombarded me with questions, like they did with Y/N. It all sounded muddled, and eventually I felt my body starting to extinguish.

Somebody poured water over me.

I opened my mouth to let out all the pain I had into a sound, but no sound came out. I found myself running towards the front door, and running for the fox monster who was taking my friend.

The snow and wind stung, but I kept going and pushing through.

I kept on feeling and seeing my body disappear, but I kept going on.

I found the fox monster kissing with Y/N, as a retort to my death. That was the last thing I saw in my dream. 

Then everything went dim.

Y/N's POV:

When I was peacefully resting, I was awoken by the sound of screaming. The scream didn't sound like a teen's, or mine, so I easily concluded that it was Grillby's.

Yet, I questioned why.

I got out of the couch, tossing the  blankets haphazardly onto the couch and floor, and I slid over towards Grillby's bedroom door.

I was hesitant to go in at first, but I made up my mind, and I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

There, I saw Grillby illuminating the room, as though there was truly a fire inside. The difference from this to any other time, is that the other's were controlled. This one, I could feel the radiating heat from the doorway.

I shuffled over towards his bedside, and I tried shaking him to come to his consciousness, but I felt my hands getting burned, so I repulsed, taking my hands away the quickest I have ever done before.

I was left with a strange predicament, that could only be solved by either waking them up, or patiently waiting for them to wake up.

I chose the first one, for that could stop his screaming and mumbling before it naturally came. So I tried shaking him again, but that only made my hands burned again, causing tears to squeeze out of my eyes and onto his body. That seemed to make it worse. I then rushed to get his gloves that were still at the sink, and I put them on as I was running back into his bedroom. I then shook him with the gloves on, but that didn't seem to work, just like before. I could only sit there, and watch him in this trapped mentality.

He seemed to be in pain in his dream; he was squinting his eyes, and I watched him twitch his arm and legs, so I assumed he could be running in his dream. Then afterwards, he suddenly opened his fiery eyes wide and shouted a:

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