|Chapter 12| One business night...

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We have been working for a while now. To be exact, probably a week. No 'shipping' has been going on since the last time from Fuku Fire or Sans, but little did we know, that there was more to come.


"Heya Grilllllllbs... Hand meauh 'nother beeer plezz..." A drunkard slurred, whilst half passed out at the counter.

"No McBass, you can't have another drink, you're too drunk. Don't you think you should go back home in Waterfall?" Grillby asked the fish monster.

"Naah nah, it's great here!... Ia get a greeat view, and driiinks to drink! Heheh, drinks to drink, that's a.... a...." McBass flopped onto the counter and didn't move. I just continued with my doings since this is a norm in the bartender community, and I knew Grillby would do something about it.

"Here you go sir, a porchcrawler." I slid a pinkish yellow drink that's fizzy, to a bunny guy. 

"Thanks ma'am. This looks really good!" He took a sip. He was going to get drunk quick for this drink was one of the higher alcoholic drinks. 

"Hey pretty lady,~ wanna come to my house, maybe do some.... stuff~, like watching a movie?~" A flirty drunk asked me. Of course, since he was drunk, he wouldn't remember what happened, so I did the smart thing, and said no.

Again, another norm in the drinking business.

I didn't notice Grillby beside me cringe, at the customers' words. If I had, I would have noticed him looking angrily upon the customers, and would have killed them if looks were to be deadly.

I continued on with my exotic drinks, by making rock shandies, and boilermakers. The customers loved the new drinks, and that visibly shown on Grillby's face, at how he loved the new addition. He would be getting more customers, thus more money, and he would be able to help pay for Fuku's sweet sixteen. I introduced the idea to him, and also all the customers who were still sober, and they loved the idea. I tried to not mention the cars and human things that you would get, so I simplified it down to a big party for sixteen year old monsters.

And so Grillby's planning something really sweet for Fuku. I asked him what the drinking age was for monsters, and he said that there was no drinking age, which kinda surprised me. I told him the drinking age for humans, at least in my country, and he nodded in agreement that it made sense. Though, humans seem to be more immature than monsters at a teen age, so I understood the logic that with monster parents that have common sense, they will give their children drinks when they feel like it is right. Grillby didn't give Fuku drinks yet, and actually, she's slightly afraid of them, since whenever Grillby drinks, his fire turns different colors, other than the typical fire colors.

I was interested in seeing that.

We continued on with the night, like normal, and then things turned bad when it was getting really late. 

A group of feline and fox monsters came into the building, and Grillby seemed okay with them. Though, we all thought they were fine, as though they were just a group of monsters who wanted to eat here. Nothing wrong with that.

That is, until one fox, a grand orange one with black at it's tail, paws and the tips of it's muzzle and ears, came up to the bar. He asked for a drink. Again, nothing wrong with that, until he gazed upon me, lustfully, and I blinked at him neutrally, and continued with my drink making.

"Heya cutie.~ What's a cute girl like you," He leaned forward. "Doing in a dirty mind like mine?~"

I looked to him with still the same neutrality, and I continued making his drink, a pink lady, and he kept on flirting with me.

"Did you fall from heaven?" He questioned to me, in which, I gave no response. "'Cause you're an angel."

It seemed like Grillby had enough with the bothersome customer.

"Listen here. If she ain't responding, then she isn't interested." Grillby defended me, but that only made things worse.

"Oh so you're calling dibs on her?" He smoothly questioned. 

"N-No! I'm just saying," Grillby tried to excuse himself with a red face, but it only urged the fox monster on.

"You're just saying that she's all yours?" He smirked. "Or that she's up for grabs?~"

Grillby frowned, and I could tell he's about to snap.

That is, until the fox monster grabbed me.

He pulled me close to his mouth, and he kissed me without my consent. I pulled away, disgusted by his actions, but he kept on saying his, 'sweet things,' to me, and I tried keeping my cool.

"C'mon sweets, you know you want it." He cooed to me, which only made me more uncomfortable and slowly more embarrassed. "Why won't you talk little angel? You're sexy, you know that? You caught my eye, and I want to make you mine.~" he purred, and I heard his friends behind him at a booth, cheering him on. I took notice to them, which was a bad mistake, since that gave him the perfect time to take me off  guard and snatch me again. He grabbed my neck, and was about to what I thought was to bite me, but then I ducked again, just avoiding his jaws. 

"Oh, feisty, aren't we?" He bounced his eyebrows at me. "You seem hard to catch. And lucky me, I like challenges." He tried to grab me again, but I moved out of his reach. The little space behind the bar didn't help my situation. You could fit two people back to back, and there be just enough walking space. "You little cat." 

He reached for me again, this time, over the bar, and I could almost escape, but he used both arms.

He grabbed my waist, and he pulled me close. Before he could do anything else, I did the only logical thing a person would do in this sort of situation.

I slapped him.

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