|Chapter 5| Grillby's

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Grillby's POV:

When Sans left the bar, I slumped down in relaxation. He had gave me the break of my lifetime. I...

Can finally take a break.

Seriously. All throughout the resets, I never managed to get one break. It always seems like time would slow down and I would forever stay at my shift. It got so lackluster.... I nearly felt my face slump downwards and my firey eyelids closing, but then I stood up straight, none of my customers noticing of course. I got too relaxed... Though, that break does sound dandy, I don't think it's a good idea. The rest of the monsters don't know what's going on, so I shouldn't close it down just for the sake of a break....

The chatter and the jazz playing from my somehow fixed jukebox, makes the environment peaceful. The clanking of the glasses and the screeches of the barstools, make it familiar, yet not the same-old. Somehow, Sans's words made everything have a positive view on it.

The fire that was dimmed in my soul, now burst with energy, and I can feel my surroundings getting visibly brighter, and my arms and body was glowing tremendously. Well, more than usual. Of course, this is always what happens to fire elementals when they experience an emotion. Happiness would make us glow. Anger would make us crackle and pop. Sadness would make us dim. And love....

Well I don't want to dwell on that.

"Yo Grillbys~..... Can ya *hic* geter me anoder glass o beer?" One of the drunkards here asked. I gladly filled up their glass, even though I knew this should be their last one. This hasn't happened before... And I am thankful.

I walk back towards my counter and I start wiping the stain on this one glass that I could never get off.

This glass is now officially part of my bucket list. To clean it.


Ahh, another customer.

"Hi Dad!" Chirps my daughter, Fuku. Never mind, she's not a customer.

"Hello Fuku. How's highschool going?" I lean over the counter, overjoyed that there's change.

"Oh just great Dad! We got let out early for..." Fuku furrowed her eyebrows and rested her right hand underneath her chin while her left hand was holding her right elbow. "Well, I don't know the reason. Our teachers were confused to our principal's orders, but the students were THRILLED!" Fuku cheered.

"That's great! Now I do wonder why she would let you out early..." I had a good feeling what it was, and if I was correct, then I'm surprised Sans doesn't know. Correction, I'm not surprised he doesn't know. He's lazy, and he's not outgoing in the slightest. An introvert at it's finest.

"Well who cares?!" Fuku burst my thought bubble. "I want some delicious food!!!" Fuku enthusiastically exclaimed, and she smiled brightly, which I couldn't help but smile back. 

"Where's your manners?" I teased as I started up the fryer.

"Oh sorry, I think I left them at school..." Fuku joked back.

"Oh well... I guess no double-dipped-cheese-covered-fries-adorned-with-salt." I tossed in the fries.

"Hey! I want the ddccfaws!" Fuku whined still in a playful manner. Oh right, our little acronym for Fuku's favorite snack.

I took out the fries to cool. "Oh all right... But you must sit up straight and act your age." I took the fries and dipped them in cheese twice.

"Fine.... If it's for the ddccfaws, then it's worth it." I finished the fries with the adornment of salt. I moved it over to Fuku, and with her perfect posture and expression, I mentally snickered after what might happen next.

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