|Chapter 7| Saving her.

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Y/N's POV:

I shivered.

Wow... This U-Underground can get really c-cold! It's amazing how it can do this!

My thoughts were keeping me alive, but barely.

What's also a-amazing, is t-t-that there's wind down here!....

The howling winds were pushing me closer and closer to the ground every time they hit me. I nearly fell on this last one, and I think I can go only for a few more minute s ,   b e  f   o    r     e      I     .       .        .         . . . . - . . . - .  - - .



Sweet, sweet, warmth....

Oh such welcoming warmth....


Grillby's POV:

The woman... She went off into the storm....

Surely she knows her way right?!

She must have a house, right?!!

She must not be dead right??!!!

Okay I need to fix my issue with saying repetitive words like that. But, that's aside the problem here. The problem is finding that lady with the trench coat. It's bad enough that I, a fire-elemental, is walking through a snowstorm, but a human?! That's surely not healthy!

I may not know the science behind a human and the temperatures they can survive, but this weather is surely disastrous for me. If I get hit too hard, I will start to die...

But for some reason, she took my flame inside of me, and now I have this weird feeling to go towards that urge... The urge of where she could be. Where she took the flame...

I walked, and walked, and got pushed back by the wind, but I kept walking. 

I ran, and ran, and ran, but I nearly fell down by the wind.

I pushed forward, and forward, and forward, but then I saw something on the ground...

A trench coat....

With H/C hair flying awkwardly with the wind....

And with an ice-cold body to go with it.

"Oh my stars..." I breathed, and then I managed to pick her up.

She was so cold... I pressed my face against hers, and at first, I felt the chilliness, and I thought I would extinguish, but instead, the woman warmed up, and got a more healthier shade pale. She was still very pale, but my warmth made her not looking dead.

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