Chapter 19: The Wayward Son

Start from the beginning

Stiles just glared at him. Crowley eyed Stiles up and down and asked, "Why are you going alone into a bloody town that's practically apocalyptic? Sounds like a suicide mission to me."

"Well I don't care about what you think. Besides, I already know how to beat Fenrir, and I have everything I need in here and in that Mansion. So if you could excuse me, I have a job to finish and I'm not planning to participate in idle chit-chat," Stiles growled. Crowley's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean you have a plan to kill Fenrir? He isn't some random pagan that your father and uncle can kill with just any weapon. He is a dual creature, and unless you did your homework, I don't think you'll be able to kill this monstrosity."

"With what I have in mind, it will kill him," said Stiles. Crowley's smirked when Stiles exclaimed in frustration. Nonetheless, the demon kept his hold on the teenager as he tried to escape from the demon. Siles yelled, "Agh! Crowley, come on man! Why do you care if I'm walking to my grave? You don't care anyway! You've tried to kill my new family and failed. If you think you can stop me, then you're in some deep shit man because no matter what you do, I won't listen!"

The demon smirked. "You're right."

Stiles turned to him with a smirk. "See, you don't care. Now come on, go! Let me do what I need to do."

"True. but I'm not going to let you walk away freely," Crowley said. Stiles was confused for a bit, lost. What did Crowley mean that he wouldn't let Stiles walk away freely. The teenage boy was lost until he remembered one of the most important facts about demons. He rolled his eyes in realization, "You want to make a deal?"

Crowley perked up in surprise, "Wow, good guess."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "What?"

Crowley cleared his throat and spoke, "I was called upon to see where you were and to bring you back as soon as I could. However, I can say that you found a way to ambush me and ran away as soon as you could."

"In exchange for what," Stiles asked. The demon shrugged, "Oh, just that in case I need some intel or some assistance that I could always rely on a Winchester for such things. And, to sweeten this deal, I'll give you this."

Stiles saw as Crowley pulled a small leather brown book. Stiles could see that one edge of the cover had a golden lock that had a leather scrap attached to it. He could also see that there were many fancy designs of creatures tall and short dancing around a fire on the cover like they were celebrating some exciting occasion.

"What would I want to do with that thing," Stiles exclaimed with impatience and annoyance. Crowley shrugged, "How would I know, the cover has hidden runes that doesn't allow angels or demons to open it. I think it's some kind of blood lock spell, and it can only be opened by someone who was related to the book's previous owner."

"Interesting. Are we done," Stiles groaned. Crowley answered, "Yes, but I must say, it's rather curious as to why Sally, a hunter no less, would put a blood lock into such an ugly object. Must be important she had gone through the trouble of hiding it in her own tomb."

Stiles gulped. "That was my mother's?"

The demon nodded with a mischievous grin. Stiles had remembered that Sally was a hunter like Dean when he had first looked into the memory of his dad breaking up with her. From what he had learned from Dean and Sam while they were staying with them was that they burned the bodies of deceased hunters. Why would she be buried in a tomb rather than have her remains turned to ash? Stiles turned his attention back at the book and asked Crowley, "What is it supposed to be? A dairy? I'm not good with reading sentimental crap."

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