"How convenient..."

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I tried not to have you waiting too long this time-whith school starting for me know i need to share my time wisely but i wont neglect my story-its all i my head.

Nothing too, too exciting in this chapter but i think its a nice one- a little more of Ella and Dylan. i hope you enjoy it- :) 

Pic of Dylan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



                                                                       Ella POV

I’ve spent the last three days avoiding Dylan, I mean how was I to pretend like we didn’t say I love you to each other. The point is we can’t, so I’ve decided to just avoid him and hope and pray the problem will just go away. Problem is that these past three days have also been hell, staying away from Dylan seemed to be causing me actual physical pain. Rachelle has been dealing with her own problems, between Eric and Caleb she had enough to deal with-I had to fix this on my own.

After all its not so bad, when people are in love, they’re  happy right, and Dylan makes me so happy-so what am I avoiding. 

“ Hey Ella, we’re heading out to lunch now-its your turn to treat today-and I’m hungry-so move.” Ricki, my pushy but oh so lovely assistant stuck her head and spoke. 

“It’s lunch time already…I haven’t completed a single thing this morning.” I said as I stood up and walked around my desk.

“That’s why you have me…” she threw her arms around my shoulders “…so don’t worry about that.” she started to pull me forward towards the door. 

As we sat down in the resturant, Ricki and the other girls starting up sharing the weekly gossip, and something about some new hot guy that just started working in the office across from us. I on the other hand was still lost in my Dylan situation, until I felt a nudge in my side. 

“Hey, I forgot. I wanted to ask whatever happened with you and that guy that came into the office once, the one that I helped set up that lunch date-you know the one that had an ass you could crack walnuts with.” Ricki giggled as she finished her question.

“Hm…nothing much really, we had lunch and talked. Why do you ask?” I looked at her with one eyebrow raised-trying my very best to play it cool, Dylan and I still hadn’t talked about making our relationship public yet. 

“Well, I guess just curious…” I nodded and turned back to my menu  as she continued “…and he’s right over there having lunch.” With that I snapped my head up to find what direction she was looking, and sure enough there was Dylan having lunch-but more importantly he was not alone and his guest was not male. 

In this moment I could feel my heart racing-and not the good kind-I kept telling myself to calm down, it could just be a simple lunch date with a client or something. Its wrong for me to jump to conclusions. 

Dylan’s a good man he wouldn’t cheat-but then again I haven’t exactly been the best girlfriend lately not retuning calls or messages maybe he thought we were over. Were we over? Was he really on a date with someone else? Panic started to rise within my chest, at least I think that’s what it is-I’ve never had such a reaction to anyone before-the thought of not being with Dylan or the sight of seeing him with someone else-he’s mine-goddamnit! 

“Ella? Are you ok?” Ricki asked while resting one of her hands on my shoulders. 

“I’m fine.” I snapped, in honesty I know they didn’t deserve it-they weren’t the ones I was pissed at but in this moment, for the life of me I could not think or see rationally. “Excuse me ladies, I don’t think I can join you for lunch today.” They were starting to protest, but I raised one hand which abruptly stopped all rambling. 

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