Can you say..." What an A**hole"

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                                                                                  Ella POV

"Ms Rodriguez"

It was that voice, that beautiful voice that has been haunting my day dreams. I slowly turned around to face him while doing my very best to hide any sign that I was actually happy to see him again.

"What are you doing here?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You mean besides admiring a beautiful woman?"

"Well aren't you the sweet-talker, but like I said the last time not interested."

"You're breaking my heart Ms Rodriguez." he grabs his chest and feigned being hurt.

"Must you insist on calling me by my last name?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's is your name is it not and besides the fact that 'you're not interested' doesn't put us in a position to be so informal with each." He then signaled to someone behind me, I guessed it was the bartender. 

His last statement had me stomped-of course there was nothing wrong with him using my name so formally-I don’t know him. But I knew that he was only calling me by that name to get under my skin-Oh... What I would give to be under him. Ugh.. Stop it Ella, remember your goal-no more men.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I asked when a realized he was waiting for me to answer some question. 

"I said share a drink with me." 

"Okay." One drink couldn't hurt, I took the shot glass from his hand.

"Here's to getting to know one another." I looked him straight in the face and he kept his eyes glued on me while he knocked back the contents of his glass, he urged me to follow and I did. It had the faint taste of peppermint but sweet. 

"What is it that you want exactly, Dylan?" I decided to stop beating round the bush- he was so hot and cold that I couldn't get a good reading on him. 

"I'm not sure what you mean Ms Rodriguez?" he said with a smile playing on his pink lips.

"Don't play dumb with me?"

"I'm not, I saw a familiar face and I came over to say hello. I have no other intentions."

"Well since you got what you came for, you can take off now." I began to turn my back on him when he stopped my bar stool from turning. 

"Why the hostility? I thought we were getting along."

"Getting along? You think we're getting along. I don't know what your playing at but you can count me out of any game you have in mind." he started to speak but I cut him off and continued, "One minute your a real arrogant jerk and the next your sweet, flirty and flashing that sexy grin of yours- your giving me whiplash. So when you figure out what you want let me know…Better yet, don't." I stood up off the stool and pushed pass him, I took one glance in his direction only to see a blond in a mini dress that left very little the imagination, slide in beside him. 

He didn't take notice of her presence at first, he had his eyes solely on me and for a split second it was just he and I. It may have only been a few seconds but it felt so much longer, with the intense stare he gave me-I started feel a gravitational force that pulled me back towards him. I immediately shook it off and scowled in his direction before turning around once again, but just before he was completely out of sight I saw his shoulders shake as he shook his head and laughed.

"Son of bitch!" I wasn't sure if I was cursing him or myself. I looked up and saw Rach walking back towards me and her face didn't look exactly happy either. 

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