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"Lance what happened?!" Hunk ran up to Lance as red opened her mouth and he ran inside.

"Hunk give me a hand," Lance grunted and hunk froze seeing Lance had blood on his hands but was struggling to lift a body.

"Is that..." He pointed and Lance struggled getting Lotors arm around his shoulders.

"Yes and he's dying," Lance looked at him with worried blue orbs and hunk ran over to help him, lifting Lotors other arm around his shoulders. Hunk saw blood dripping from the prince going doing his side and sticking to his leg.

"Lance what are you-" allura cut herself off with a horrified gasp. She stared at Lotor in shock as his hair was over his shoulders and head was down limp. Keith and Shiro ran over as well as Keith was in shock as well but Shiro was angry seeing the galra.

"I'll answer questions later but he's dying guys," Lance gulped and Keith ran over to help by picking up his feet and hunk held his arms when Lance let go but still followed.

"Mmm... N-no..." Lotor groaned weakly trying to move as if he was trying to escape.

"Your getting help prince Lotor, don't move," Lance told him even if Lotor might not be able to hear him.


Lance was in the kitchen washing his hands as he had blood on them from seeping through the gloves. He didn't realize everyone was staring at him with questions after they put Lotor in the pod.

"Lance," Keith spoke up first walking to him.

"Yea?" He smiled at Keith softly.

"Don't give me that look, we all have questions about Lotor being here, mind giving us answers?" Keith crossed his arms with a quirked eye brow.

"Why did you go off and followed Lotor?" Allura asked first harshly.

"What if he wasn't injured, he could've killed you and taken your lion," she glared at Lance who turned to them but hunk and Shiro where missing, they volunteered to watch Lotor for when he wakes up.

"So I should've left him?" Lance asked her confused and a little offended.


"Leave someone to die?! Last time I checked that's not what Voltron was all about," Lance snapped back horrified at the princess.

"He's the enemy!" Allura pointed at the empty door way.

"He was dying!"

"He saved my life allura," Keith glared standing with Lance.

"If it wasn't for him I'd be dead, he's the one that broke the shield," he felt lances eyes on him and could tell that scared the paladin when his hand grabbed Keiths tightly in fear.

"Let's just go see if he's awake or not, we'll talk more then," Pidge spoke up louder so there'd be no more yelling.

"If he tries attacking any of us, it's on you," Allura hissed at Lance who flinched a little bit Keith squeezed his hand pulling him closer.

The five of them walked into the healing pods and saw coran trying to calm down Shiro but as soon as the Cuban walked into the room, immediately Lance was pinned to the wall with a robotic hand pinning a shoulder back.

"You brought the prince of the empire here?! Of the galra?!" Shiro yelled angrily and immediately hands where trying to pull him back as Lance trembled in fear seeing his leader. His hero. So angry at him which has never happened before, Shiro has never wanted to hurt them.

"Shiro get off!" Keith pleaded pulling at the robotic hand as Lance yelled in pain when pressure was applied in the joint between his shoulder.

"What the hell where you thinking Lance?!" Shiro roared and Allura grunted pulling back his other arm and swung the black paladin to the floor as Lance held his shoulder and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"What was that?! Shiro what the fuck?!" Pidge yelled at him standing in front of Lance as Keith was trying to calm him down.

"He brought the enemy onto the ship!" Shiro yelled back.

"He brought a dying man to a healing pod!" Keith yelled back in rage. "Now fuck off takashi!"

The room went silent as Lance slid down the wall holding his bruised shoulder as he could tell blue and black would be where Shiro was pressing down harshly. Tears rolled down his face as he stared at Shiro and Keith was kneeling next to him holding Lance close and glared at his brother like figure. The man who basically raised him.

"Lance... Keith..." Shiro took a deep breath with wide eyes and Lance didn't say anything but didn't move either.

"Im sorry, I-I..." Shiro bent his head down holding his forehead in pain. "Dammit,"

Allura placed a hand on his shoulder and he stood up.

"I'm sorry, I just... I remember Lotor or at least someone who looked like him, he was there when I was still a prisoner, when I was the champion, I remember he watched me, I didn't know his name but I know that face," Shiro breathed softly and Keith looked at him with guilty eyes.

"L-let's just talk to him when he wakes up, okay? Okay. Thanks," Lance said drily as he stood up and crossed his arms not bothering to dry his eyes but looked at the galra in a healing pod.

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